New bowhunter...


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Then ask around at different local archery shops and see if people can help.

I know what your facing in Florida and believe me the deer can be taken there you just have to do the foot work and find them!


While looking into that field you see above and sitting in a 10ft. ladder treestand....this Doe came up from my left side and I shot her @ 5 yards. By the time I got her to the truck it was 93 degrees on the truck's thermometer.

Yes...Thats Spanish moss hanging from the trees in the backround tongue.gifgrin.gif


Florida Bobcat

Florida wild hog (small one)

P.S. Get Some Snake Leggin's'll find out what I mean one way or another.

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Re: New bowhunter...

I agree with VaTech. Doing it will give you some much more for learning for yourself. You can learn a lot in this forum also scanning through articles.

You are not the first to ask this question and won't be the last.

Try your hardest to hook yourself to someone at a local pro shop. Also the Browning you got is a good starter bow. YOu should be very happy

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Guest kracey

Re: New bowhunter...

Hey, I know what you are going through. I just started deer hunting 3 years ago. I had to basically teach myself everything I know. I suggest reaing books and magazines to find out tips and about locating scrapes or rubs, etc.

Also, I'd ask around where people might have been seening the deer and also scout yourself.

But just getting out there will teach you more than anything you'll ever read.

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