3 blades vs 4 blades


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Re: 3 blades vs 4 blades

It is more of a preference thing for sure. Some guys like two,some guys like three,some guys like four blades. I prefer mechs for deer, fixed three for bear. Going to be trying Muzzy four blades soon. Will post my results.

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Guest kracey

Re: 3 blades vs 4 blades

Whatever shoots good for you. It dont matter if it 2,3, or 4. All are gonna kill a deer with properly placed shots. I dont think 3 blade is more accurate then 4 blade. If you sight in your bow right, all will hit where you aim.

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Re: 3 blades vs 4 blades


Whatever shoots good for you. It dont matter if it 2,3, or 4. All are gonna kill a deer with properly placed shots. I dont think 3 blade is more accurate then 4 blade. If you sight in your bow right, all will hit where you aim.

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Have to agree with you kracey, any SHARP broadhead that shoots well from your bow, and that you can put in the vitals, especially without hitting major bone, will more than do the job. It is more of a question of practice/tuning, and shot placement, in my opinion.

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