New York--- SB120-- lowering the age of bowhunters


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Re: New York--- SB120-- lowering the age of bowhunters


Well at those odds - let's start a new bill to ABOLOISH the minimum age!

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Dan, I agree but within reason...they should be able to hunt at any age but still be required to take and pass the bow hunter eduacation course, plus have adult supervision, to earn the privelege of hunting wink.gif

I'm sure no one wants some untrained 7 year old flinging arrows into the sky when they are out there. They pass the test and learn how to keep themselves and others safe...they earned it in my book!

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Re: New York--- SB120-- lowering the age of bowhunters

We don't have a minimum age limit here but there are restrictions for youth hunters. Here they are:

Youth hunters 11 and under must hunt under the supervision of an adult.

Youth hunters 12 to 15 can hunt by themselves if they have 1st passed a hunter safety course. If not they must hunt under the supervision of an adult.

At age 16 they are required to buy a license and must 1st pass a hunters safety course.

I like that train of thought myself. I honestly believe we need to get our youth hunters involved at an early age for the good of the sport. As they get older there are a lot of other distractions that gets their attention. Just wanted to pass that on to you.

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