Austin scored!!!!


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Got up early this morning and woke Austin, my 9 yr old up for his second day of Muzzleloader season.Didnt see a deer last night and he was kinda bummed out about that so I decided to take him to a place I knew was full of deer. The drawback was the place is kinda dangerous to walk through in the dark, its full of old gravel pits, drop offs, rocks, fences, stuff like that.I had to wait till the sun was just starting to rise to take him in there so he could see where he was going and safely get through it.

We walked down towards where I wanted to set up but ran into a big doe feeding on a small hillside before we got there.Another deer appeared behind us across this little gulley that runs through there.We stopped and waited but the deer were really starting to come through pretty good so we had to make the best of where we were sitting.We crawled around behind an old gravel pile and up to the top of it and lay there on our bellies in the weeds.Another deer came outta the switchgrass across the gulley from us but she was to far to one side for a shot.About then two more does came in behind us, winded us, snorted, and ran off.this got the deers attention across from us and she turned and started walking back across in front of us at a fast walk.Austin lifted he gun to his shoulder and found her in the scope.He followed her in the scope but she never stopped walking.I asked if he was on her and he said yeah without ever looking up.So I bleated at her with my mouth and she stopped.No sooer then i see her stop and turn to tell Austin to shoot then the gun goes off KABOOM.I turn to look and the deers got its head down, tail down, and spins to run into the switchgrass frown.gifAustin shot so fast I didnt know if he had a good bead on her or had got excited and rushed the shot.To make matters worse after looking closer as it was getting more light out i could tell she was a lot further out then Id thought.Looking across that gulley had really screwed up my yardage estimation.

We walked down off the hill reloaded and waited while i smoked a cigarette and discussed the shot before we walked over.He said repeatedly he had held on her shoulder and it was a good shot, i had my turned and wasnt so sure from a first time deer hunter.We walked over to where she was standing and theres no blood anywhere.i walked around a little, couldnt find any sign of a hit although i knew she was, and decided to get outta there till it was full light out, give her time to lay down, and get better light for trying to find blod in the 4 ft tall grass.I called my dad, he came in about an hour later and we went back out.Id hung my orange hat where I thought she had went into the weeds and we started there, still unsure of the shot and how bad the deer was hit.We looked for almost an hour, no blood anywhere, walked the switchgrass, and the immediate area without any sign.

Dad had something else to do and we were just abot to take him back to town {I planned on looking the rest of the day if I had to} when I decided to walk towards the foodplot one more time.I headed that way and Dad and a really depressed looking 9 yr old headed back towards the truck.I just got to the fodplot when I heard Austin yelling"Dad, dad, we found blood."

I walked over to them an dad had found a giant spray of blood in the grass we had been walking all morning, it was sothick we walked past it repeatedly.He stayed there and I followed it about 10 yrds further into the grass.Then I seen the white belly and felt like a large wieght was lifted off of me.I called them over and Austin recovered his first deer, it was a little button buck but those little nubs on its head made him grin even bigger.I looked and couldnt believe what I seen, the deer was only 20 yrds into the grass and Austin had taken out both its front shoulders at almost 90 yrds, it was a shot we were all really proud of even if I did let him shoot past his 60 yrds he was supposed to be limited to.We had walked past the deer over and over in the thick grass and there was only about a 10 yrd blood trail up to it, the deer had gone no more than 20 yrds from where he shot it.

He got pictures, called all the family members, and had them come see his deer, it was quite a morning, Im very proud of my son and having dad along when we found it made it even sweeter grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Austin scored!!!!

Congrats to the bigboy! I didn't kill my 1st deer until I was 27. I didn't figure I'd ever deer hunt until my girlfriends brother introduced me to bowhunting a few years before that, probably 1994. Anyway, she's long gone but deer hunting is with me forever. I wish I would have been able to start out at a much younger age. I'm thinking of taking my 8 year old this year. I would love to get him involved at an early age so he can develop the same passion for the sport that I have. Tell him to keep it up. He'll be 100% deerhunter before we know it. Take care, Greg

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Re: Austin scored!!!!

Thanks guys.I had the video camera but this all happened pretty fast.By the time I got him set to shoot the deer was facing us coming around the hill and i didnt want to spook it so i just left the camera lay.Then when we went to get the deer I tried to take some in the field pics and the cameras battery was dead crazy.gifDid get some with his deer when we got back to town Ill post as soon as theyre developed.Thanks again, im gonna let austin read this post tonight grin.gif

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