Bow opener

Ravin R10 man

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Anticipation.  After almost six decades of archery hunting it hasn't really declined in intensity.  Yes, I count the days and 13 days from today I will be in the mountains once again hoping to fill a tag.  Serious leg and back issues aside and against doctor's recommendations, maybe, just maybe, the hunting gods will pity me.

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On 8/28/2021 at 8:51 AM, Ravin R10 man said:


Probably more than you realize.

Less than a week to go now and I heard the first elk bugle early this morning.  It seems that the bulls only sound off in the early morning hours and go quiet as the sky starts to lighten.  With the recent wet weather (it really helped the firefighters) the deer movement has really slowed down for some reason and I haven't seen a mature buck in a week.  Even the doe and fawn have been less active, although the moon phase may have had a part in that.  Next weekend on the opener a new moon will hopefully have the critters moving during daylight hours.  The best time of year is almost here.

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I used to be that way...couldn't wait for opening day.  Old age plus retirement has creeped in to where my first time in a stand will likely be when the 1st cool front moves through with several cooler afternoons back to back.  Not really motivated to hunt with sweat running/dripping off my face in 85 to 90 degree heat in the afternoon.  That's what I waiting for now.

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