2021 Team 2


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/1/2021 at 9:21 PM, Strut10 said:

Thanks, Martin !!!

It just wasn't his day............

I let a 3.5 year deer walk 3 minutes before this one came.  There's bigger ones there........and I have all week to hunt........but ................

Congratulations Partner!!!  Looks like we will do alright.  here is my archery buck.  He is a 7point

Deer 1.jpg

Deer 2.jpg

Deer 3.jpg

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Here is my story.

Veterans Day weekend is always my favorite.  I always seem to do well.  Because I sat home sick with a head cold the previous weekend I was anxious for my 4 day weekend.  Thursday morning started off cold and the deer did not move until late morning.  I had a few does wander through but no chasing at all.  Suddenly over my right shoulder there was a button buck and following him was a big rack buck (bigger than mine).  The button buck was right under me and he made me when I gripped my bow.  He wasn't too alarmed but he went behind me instead of in front of me and the rack buck followed him.  I tried to turn but was quickly busted with a snort and a flag.  Off he went.  I beat myself up for the rest of the day until a small basket rack 6 trotted by quickly.  He was on a mission and wasn't stopping for nothing.  Dusk came and I was optimistic about the rest of the weekend but not the weather.  Lots of rain.

The next morning the heavens opened up and it rained in buckets with high wind.  It was supposed to let up after noon so I went to my new property to pull trail camera cards.  After the big storm I figured the deer would be on the move but no.  I sat almost 4 hours and all I saw were squirrels and chipmunks.  Finally at last light I saw a deer coming straight at me.  It was odd because bucks never come from that direction.  I didn't have much time to think, I saw the rack and said it was go time.  I waited for him to pass by my 30 yard tree.  Was he going to go in front or in back so I could choose my pin.  As soon as he went behind I gave him a "Meh" to freeze him and I lit up the Lumenock.  I have never lit one up this late so it looked like a laser went through him.  It was pretty cool.  The shot looked a little back but he only went 20 yards, stopped and laid down dead.  After I climbed down, I yanked him out of the weeds for the first picture then called my 86 year old dad to come over with a flashlight.  He was tickled to say the least to get out.  We hung him up in dads garage and celebrated late.

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