Season ending Bigun!


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Sorry I haven't been posting deer tales much this year.  Lot has been going on lately.  Anyway...on to the story.

I really hadn't gotten any big deer on any cams to get excited about on my home turf.  On the morning of Ja. 3rd I briefly say a big one I knew I didn't have on any cams.  Turns out...nobody did.  The buck was long range and all I knew for certain is he was wide with light tines.  I assumed he was a big 8.  My son was glassing the same buck from about 700 yards from a different stand.  All he could tell was the buck was real wide.  A text from message from my daughter-in-law ended our hunt after that morning hunt.  My grandson had tested positive for Covid and she was feeling bad too.

My next opportunity was this past weekend.  There's only 6 hunters in camp.  Saturday morning I was sitting in a stand that's within 75 yards of where I'd glassed the big buck on 1/3.  The only animals I saw had wings.  I played out a hunch that afternoon and decided to hunt a stand in the same area but I could watch 2 food plots that had good bedding cover nearby.  The wind was great for both.  Late season tactics and what little acorn crop we had was gone.  A few hens showed up early to help pass the time.  Around 4:45 I hear a shot from the hunter E of me on another plot.  He killed a mature 8.  Still nothing but the 3 hens around.  About 25 min. later deer start filtering in from the E side of the northern plot.  2 spikes, 2 does, and 2 fawns.  About 5 minutes later I get a text from a buddy that he'd just killed the 9 point he was specifically hunting.  As I'm getting a 2nd text from him with a pic of his deer, I see movement outside the N end of the plot.  I raise the binocs...that's him!  Rifle to the ready position.  Now it seemed like an eternity waiting & watching the deer through my scope while he stood in one spot just outside the edge of the plot facing my direction.  Probably around 60 seconds though.  Finally...he turns to where he's close to broadside still just outside the plot at ~225 yards.  I dropped him right there.  Moments later, I hear another one of our hunters shoot...young 8 point down for him.  Now...when I decided the deer was a shooter I didn't check his headgear out anymore.  I was focused on getting a shot.  So when I walked up to him and saw him I was shocked how big he really was.  Here's where he dropped.


We gathered up the trophies and took this group pic afterwards.


The next morning I scored my buck and took daylight pics.  Gross score 154" even.  20" (even) inside spread.  Main beams measured 25 1/2" and 24 1/2".  He's the 2nd best buck I've killed in my home state.  BTW...nobody in our club had any trail cam pics of this buck.



Great ending to my season!

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