They Gettin Fired Up.

Ravin R10 man

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They've been gobbling from the limb here for about 3 weeks on fit mornings.  Got out Saturday morning and went to the Strut10 Ranch.    There were at least 2 strutters in the far corner of our one field.  They were on the ground in basically the darkness.  I had no binos.  So at 650-ish yards, I couldn't see much detail. 

Another month and a half and..................  ?

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Here too!  Season opened today but forecast was thunderstorms.  I'll pass on turkey hunting in the rain.  Weather looks good later in the week.  I'll probably hit the woods Friday and hunt through Monday morning next week unless they change the weather forecast.

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Short walk to the yard Don...not to mention a few extra minutes to sleep.

Hunted this past Friday afternoon and called in 4 jakes.  Also saw a hen.  Saturday morning and Sunday morning didn't hear any birds gobble.  Weather was not real favorable with it being fairly windy with the temp in the mid 40's Saturday morning.  Wind calmed down Sunday morning but we had low 40's and a heavy due.  Doesn't help either that spring green up is late this year.

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Yeah............   I hear ya, Al.   Nice to be able to shoot a turkey and smell the bacon frying at the same time.  ?

Deluxe hunting !!!


They've just been a gittin' it, here !!!  Some are split up.  Some are still bunched up.  But all indications are for a good number of gobbling birds on the Strut10 Ranch this season.

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Went to the MS property Sunday afternoon.  Discovered that the bad storms that passed through on 3/22 spawned a tornado that passed through the south line of our place.  Only 1 of the access roads to the interior, on the north end was open.  All the other access roads were blocked by big trees blown down.  Power had been out at the camp but it was restored before I arrived.  Apparently, the power company also cleared the county gravel road.  Lost power again at 4:30 Monday morning.  Hunted the only area I could get into.  Didn't hear a bird where I started listening.  After that I moved west, I heard 1 gobble in the distance.  Closed the range...turned out to be 4 birds gobbling in the area I couldn't get to.  Right in the area I intended to hunt if not for down trees cutting my access off.  The closest I could get was a creek with standing water...over head high.  The water is backed up from the Mississippi River backing up into the Big Black River that borders our northwest side.  I attempted to coax one over to my side but as expected they moved away until they shut down gobbling.

Another round a bad weather coming tomorrow...high winds, strong thunderstorms with a chance for more tornados.  We'll probably have more weakened trees come down just from the wind.  I'll either be running a chainsaw or on a tractor clearing roads this weekend.  Fingers crossed we have power at the camp and we can clear the access road to hunt the area where the vocal turkeys are.  If so, I'll hunt through Tuesday morning.

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Try to be a turkey hunter...............end up being a lumberjack.  Bummer.      Hope you get stuff cleared out and get into those birds !!


My brother texted me this morning about an hour after flydown.  Said there was one "gobbling his nutz off" up on the strut10 Ranch.    It was 9 degrees !!!!!!

I texted back, "I just LOVE a cheerful volunteer !!"   Just 4 more weeks......................

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