Finally Got My 835!


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I've been talking about getting a Mossberg 835 for a while now. I went to Gander Mountain to buy a stabilizer today and decided to check out the guns. I spotted Mossberg 835 Synthetic with a 26" barrel, just what I wanted! But, with wanting to buy a Switchback or Outback in a week or two, I wasn't about to drop $394 for it. But, I did win the upland bird hunt from my brother's benefit, so I decided to check the price just to compare. I immedately told the first person in a Gander Mountain vest that I wanted one. It was only $271! Over $120 off the MSRP!

I bought some turkey loads to try out (might still use my bro's 835 in Hardwoods Green HD) and some target loads. I really like how it shoots. Killed a bunch of pop cans already. What a great gun! cool.gif It came with a turkey choke, so I need to pick up a couple different chokes. I loved that overbored barrel too. I'm really happy with it! grin.gif

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Re: Finally Got My 835!

Which sims pad did you order. I ordered one from Cabelas (#10201) and it didn't fit. I just ordered another one from ebay (#10112M) that after looking at the sims website I believe I got the correct one. I guess I will know when I get it. But the guy I bought it from said if it didn't fit he would refund my money.

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Re: Finally Got My 835!


the difference is the screw mounting holes are wider on the newer 835's.

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Does the buttstock have a solid area to attach the pad? If so hole location does not matter. You really don't want to use the same holes over anyway. I always plug the existing holes and drill new holes when changing pads. You can have your gunsmith grind and fit a pad to fit your gun.

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Re: Finally Got My 835!

Here is a list from sims website, I ordered the last one, sure hope it fits, but I guess if it doesn't I will buy a slip on pad.


Model 500 C Youth Wood 10002

Model 500 AG Turkey 12 ga. Wood 10102

Model 9200 & 9300

(most models / check templates) Wood 10102

Model 835 2003

(mossy oak & real tree camo) Synth 10201

Model 835 (most black stocks / no green, gray, or camo) Synth 10201

Model 500 (most black stocks / no green, gray, or camo) Synth 10201

Model 835 Camo

(4 7/8" slotted screw pad) Synth 10112M

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Re: Finally Got My 835!


you cant re-redrill holes in the sims pad because of the way they are made, it will ruin it.

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I meant re-drill the holes in the stock, not the pad. Use a dowel or bedding compound to fill the original holes in the buttstock. The pad is placed on the stock and the location of the holes is transferred from the pad to the stock and re-drilled. That is the standard way of doing it on any stock.

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Re: Finally Got My 835!


you can't mount the pad because the stock is hollow, nothing to attack the screws thru.

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Would you post a picture of the buttstock without the pad please? I would appreciate it. My 835 has a wood stock.

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Re: Finally Got My 835!

I got the Sims Pad yesterday. It fits perfectly. I didn't notice a whole lot of difference when shooting turkey loads, but man, you can't feel 2 3/4" loads anymore. They were target loads, but there was no felt recoil with them at all.

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