2022-23 Deer team 1

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Great potential William and great picture. Things are still good here in IL. Was hunting in the rain a few days ago and Saw a 2.5 year old 11 point I call spare rib (spare, because he gets spared this year). Here is video of him walking past me at 15 yards. Pat, the angle on the unicorn back was about 20 degrees. I was 25 feet high, but he was walking away (quartering away) going up hill so when i shot at 50 yards I wasn't much higher than him. Here is another picture that shows his back. I simply can't make out the entrance hole, but based on the exit and fairly flat angle I think it was below the spine.

Unicorn Entrance Hole.png

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You picked out a phenomenal property there Frank. Hope that 11 can get a few years on him.

Was a great morning to be in a stand this morning.  A lot of activity, and the same 8 point gave me an archery opportunity yet again, inside 20 yards.  He looks better every time I see him, but I let him walk again and took a pic of him with my phone.  Saw 4 bucks, 2 of them I had not gotten trail cam pics of before, and also had 2 new bucks this morning get their pics made just before i walked to the stand.  I just need my target buck to come back around and give me the same looks the 8 has.

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Great AM today! Had a beautiful 3.5 year old 8 point come right under my stand after I grunted. Needs another year. Then another mature 8 point was walking through at 50 yards. Probably a 130 class buck and 4.5 years old. I had a shot, but just wasn't comfortable as there were several small twigs between him and I. I had the safety off but elected to not take the shot. As he walked out of range I grunted hoping to bring him back. It wasn't meant to be. Then a  couple does came trotting by, but no buck in tow. This coming week is the week we wait all season for. I'll be out there as much as possible.

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Still no luck on a mature buck. My buddy Dave took this nice one on Nov. 6th. Weighed 270 pounds prior to field dressing. My cameras are showing a lot of mature buck activity, but so far it's all at night. Need one to come out early. Next weekend is deer camp in the Shawnee where the first deer seen gets a tag.


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Wow, great deer Frank. Congrats! The weather has been terrible almost every sit for me this year, I’ve been in Maine for the last 3 days and it’s been in the low 70’s with heavy rain from remnants of Hurricane Nicole. Sat last weekend at home in very similar temps, unbelievable for November. Oh well, still a bunch of season left.

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Thanks guys. Seems you all are able to navigate to the forums. I've been having a heck of a time using Firefox on my computer. More on the story... I don't have any pictures of this deer on trail camera. The eve of the 12th was my 37th hunt for the season. Most only 2-3 hours before or after work. On the 11th I hunted all day 11 hours and didn't see a buck. It was very cold so I was about ready to warm up on the 12th, but my trail camera showed 3 bucks under a stand on the night of the 11th with a hot doe. I hunted the AM, and saw nothing, but the evening hunt was different. I passed a 3.5 year old 10 point around 3pm and just as i stood to climb down he came trotting down the trail. I identified him as a mature buck with binoculars and grabbed the Xbow. He saw my movement as he was eye level coming down a hill but it was too late. He turned to leave presenting me a quartering away shot at 20 yards. He jumped and walked (not ran) 20 yards and stood for a few seconds making odd breathing noises and then fell over dead. It was one of the fastest kills ever for me. I am truly thankful to the Lord for all the blessings He has given me. Here are a few more pictures.



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Fantastic news William! Team 1 is doing well this season! I'm headed to the Shawnee for Deer Camp today so I'll be out a few days. I look forward to seeing your pictures when I get back! BTW... the buck I shot ended up weighing 200lbs field dressed and scored 144.

Edited by fly
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Congrats Frank, awesome buck!  do you know what he dressed at, looks pretty big!


William, can’t wait to see him!  

I’m just now able to get the forums working on my cell phone.  I haven’t been in the stand since November 7th due to a business trip, but I’ll be in one tonight.  Crazy cold front slammed the Midwest and the extended cold should have things happening.  Excited to get back in a tree!

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Congrats again William, awesome looking deer. 

I’m still at it here, been somewhat of a disappointing season, mostly because of weather until the last couple weeks. Sat last Saturday morning and saw 3 different bucks, nothing within range, sat yesterday afternoon and saw a little fork horn at 30 but that was about it. Gun season comes in Monday so I’ll be out then and then Saturdays to finish out December. Hoping I can put something down to contribute.

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