2022-23 Deer team 2

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Hello teammates...got home from my 1st Missouri hunt Sunday evening.Β  GREAT HUNT!Β  I'll post details of the hunt in the Bowhunting forum.Β  In a nutshell, I killed the heaviest doe of my life.Β  On our scales she was 192 pounds.Β  I saw my main 2 target bucks too.Β  Here's some recent trail cam pics of them.

This main frame 8 has the widest inside spread I've seen on the hoof.Β  Looks like he's between 22" & 24".Β  He has a split brow tine on his left side.Β  Saw him the 1st afternoon.Β  Got to 38 yards but facing me dead on munching on clover.Β  He suddenly decided he need to go work 2 lick branches and work scrapes 65 yards away.Β  Never got inside 50 yards after that before dark.


Saturday morning I watched this buck for ~15 miutes.Β  He stood in one spot about 75 yards away looking around.Β  He'd do a stare down toward any noise he heard.Β  I assume he was looking around for company but he was too early for the party that morning.Β  Saw plenty of does & fawns ~30 minutes after he left.Β  This buck's frame and mass look similar to my 162" 8 point I killed in this same area aboout 6 years ago eacept he's a toad of a 10.


With a cold front moving in this weekend, I'm heading back for round 2 with these boys.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got home late yesterday afternoon.Β  Activity slowed down a lot compared to my early Oct. hunt.Β  Β Saw 1 mature 8 point the last afternoon hunting fresh cut soybeans.Β  He never got inside 75 yards.Β  October lull time I guess.Β  Mature buck activity on the cams dropped off around Oct. 12th.Β  Headed back next week for the sweet November rut period.

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BTW...update on the 10 point my buddy shot at on the Oct. 9th.Β  We weren't on the same page about which buck he missed.Β  I did a grid search while I was there early last week.Β  Wish I had checked all my cams closely.Β  I had a TC pic the morning of Oct. 19th of a 10 point with what appeared to be an arrow wound.Β  The pic was quartering hard toward the camera though.Β  5 days later he was kind enough to pose for a close up pic (below).Β  Easy to see the wound channel is very high and appears like it only passed under the hide.


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Congratulations Martin!Β  Bummer about the neighbors' attitude toward the deer herd.Β  With deer herd management information so easy to find it's amazing there are still hunters out there with the "we don't shoot does, we only shoot any legal bucks" attitude and only shoot those bucks for meat.Β  Β 

I'm heading back to Missouri Wednesday or Thursday.Β  I set a new stand during my last trip but didn't have the right wind to hunt it yet.Β  The stand is ~15 yards from where 3 trails converge that pass around the east side of 2 fallen trees.Β  That's where I saw all the doe & fawn activity during the last morning of my 1st hunt.Β  Same hunt when I saw the short G2 big 10 when he hung up on the neighbor's side of the creek.Β  The stand is ~25 yards from the creek.

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Congratulations Martin.Β  Tough passing then when they walk off your farm and get killed on the neighboring farm.Β  I passed several 2.5 year olds last year, including one that was a 9 point with super potential.Β  That was in the 120's.Β  I had probably over a hundred pics of the deer and he hung around fire a good while.Β  That deer has not been around so far this year.

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By the way teammates...I picked up 2 new shooter bucks on the cams when I ran them last week.Β  The 1st one is this big 8.Β  I've been watching for him to show up.Β  I caught him on cams last year but he vanished before November.Β  He's a bigger version of what he was last year.


This next one has me scratching my head where he came from.Β  I put this 3 pic sequence together of him.Β  Tall main frame 10 with a big mule deer kicker off his left G2.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey teammates , I got us some points. I took this nice 9 pointer back on Nov 4. I was sitting in my tree and saw a white flicker over in the woods about 200 yards down the power line I hunt on. I got my binoculars up and started looking and bammm all I see was horns step out lol. Got my gun up and one shot dropped him in his tracks. πŸ‘




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