2012 bow buck


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Nope.  Not a typo.

With Maine Hntr's great pics, and Rhino's much awaited post................ AND me FINALLY figuring out how to post a pic here, again...........

In 2012 I arrowed one of my better bucks.  No monster.  But of pretty rare quality for around these parts.  The problem was........he had gotten into a fight and took a tine right between his chin and throat patch, leaving an abscess that made him look like a pelican.  The abscess rendered his cape unfit for a mount.

Fast forward to last season, and a buck I shot that I normally would not have (it happens).  The silver lining to THAT was his cape was beautiful.  Sooooo..............   2012 antlers and 2021 cape go to the taxidermist, and............  10 years later, the buck is finally where he should be.



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