Realtree Road Trips Question

Guest RoadTrippin

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

Thanks for asking Mike: I was wondering when you would log on to the forums....Welcome


Realtree Roadtrips has been my favorite since it went on the air.

It is the only hunting show that is not one long infomercial.

I like the before and after the hunt segments as well as the hunts themselves.

I say keep up the good work Mike and your whole staff.

The only thing I did not like about the show this year was the time slot, and I imagine you can't do anything about that.

When the show came on, I was usually in the woods, or coming home from the woods.

I will have to buy the video to see what I missed this season.


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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

I LOVE THE TV SHOW~ I honestly dont think it could be any better!

Only thing I have a problem with is Buying thee DVD along with Monster Bucks/ All Stars Hunting videos is, its nothing but a BIG Repeat! I wanna see different hunts with diefferent DVDS! I feel like im gettin ripped when i buy two DVD's and it have the same footage!

I still love the Show!

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

I'd like to see a whitetail hunt in Wisconsin. Buffalo County is loaded! grin.gif #1 for Pope & Young whitetails.

I wouldn't change anything about the show. It's great! Road Trips and NAW TV do a great job with pre and post hunt activities. Sometimes those are my favorites. Don't just show the hunt, but show what goes into it befor and after.

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

Welcome aboard Mike! laugh.gif

The first episode I ever saw was the one where you brought the ill boy to Realtree headquaters. I enjoyed it so much I wrote you an e-mail. From there on I was hooked. My two favorite parts of the show are the bow & gun cams and the behind the scenes fun that you have in camp. It reminds me of me and my buddies when we are in camp. I enjoy the hunts but I like everything else better.

As for what to do next, hummmmmm confused.gif I like to watch:

1. Bear hunting but not over bait.

2. Coyote hunts.

3. Shotgun deer hunts in the northeast.

4. Hunting with older or primative weapons.

5. You hunting with me at the HBLgrin.gif

That is all I can think of now. Keep up the great work!!!! I look forward to the next 20 years of Roadtrippin' grin.gifgrin.gif


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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question


What would you like to see most this year on Road Trips?

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ME!!! You need to take me along on a hunt. grin.gif


What do you like about the show?

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I like its personal down-to-earth format, and the before/after footage. It's nice seeing the comraderie.


What do you not like about the show???

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That I don't get to see it more often.

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

It's a great show...probably my favorite! I really like the "blue-collar" style of the show and the diversification of hunting that's done. The show really reminds me of me and my buddies out doing what we love to do and that's cut-up, laugh, and have a good time...oh yeah, and hunt a little too.

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Guest 2500HD

Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

The show is great because it is a little different then all the other "cookie cutter' hunting shows out. It relates to the the everyday hunter with the behind the scenes and the cutting up attitude of the show. Keep up the good work and my only complaint is that you need more episodes so it can run longer. If you need help with people for more episodes and footage just give give me a shout. HINT...HINT!

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

I too love Road Trips!!! since the first episode I saw, I've been hooked. The only thing that I could ask for is a little spotlight on OKLAHOMA!!!!! We've got great deer, turkey,hogs, name it!!!! Come on down and let some Okies show ya how we do it. Keep up the fantastic work!!!!! Oh yeah, more DVD's!!!!!! I want it all!!!! Sell me your out takes!!!! LOL!

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Guest Andrea

Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

I LOVE the show!!!!!!!! Only thing I would change is maybe you could do some hunting down here in Florida. (Or fishing) My husband and I have a boat and we could take you out in the Gulf for some big groupers or snappers!!!!! Besides that , your show is great. And I think you are hilarious. Keep up the good work. grin.gif

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

I think the best part of the show is the fact that you show a hunt and then all the "behind the scenes" sort of stuff. Not just the hunts themselves. Just one time can you do an episode of the working at realtree. Like show there offices with all there deer in it, there trophy rooms. Then what all goes on in a normal day at realtree. So which Michael is this then?

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

Welcome Marc! I'm sure by the replies you're getting, everyone loves the show. The fresh camer angles and styles add a lot that a straight forward hunting vid can't. Makes the entire show from start to finish enjoyable. Keep up the great work.

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Guest RoadTrippin

Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

No, it's not Michael, it's Marc Womack, Show Producer. Thanks for replying to the thread, I'm new at the forums, so yes, it probably is in the wrong place. We have really tried to listen to the real hunters out there when we are coming up with ideas for the show, and when we are booking trips. Although some of the places that we go are out of the ordinary, we try and mix it up.(ex. Tennesse Turkey03, Bowfishing, Caribou, Elk, Deer,Beaver(DVD Season 1), and Coyote(DVD Season 2 coming soon). Keep the suggestions coming, I will check in periodically. Check out the Best of Season 2 DVD coming out in June or July... There are 8 never before seen bonus scenes on this years dvd...


Marc Womack

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Re: Realtree Road Trips Question

Another idea you should try bowhunting crow. i seen it on another video. It would be intereting, funny, and exciting. Just a though. I think anything bowhunting will go. Should try bowhunting bear from a ground blind, like Jay Gregory did on his show, that would be intense. i know I just like to watch bowhunting more than anything.

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