Worst politician approval rating ever??


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Any idea what is is, or what the worst in your sate has been? Our loser liberal Premier(basically same as Governor) in Ontario hit 9% this summer!! That means even the yuppies who elected him are mad! He managed to alienate teh elderly, young, rich, poor, conservative, liberal, etc. all in under a year. That is quite an accomplishment. Oh, and this is the idiot who as sureshot mentioned is banning pit bulls and requiring they all be sterilized, and no more bred or imported into the province all because of a couple attacks. SO what next ban labs because of one or two that bite???

So that is our contender for worst approval rating in history. Who is yours?

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Re: Worst politician approval rating ever??

Fisher if they can just ban a breed of dogs liek that what is next? Banning old corvettes couse they can fly, banning cars painted liek the general lee couse they can jump over rivers? Or banning guns? just like the dog thing its the owners not the dogs, not the cars, not the guns!! It is gettign scarry when they can ban soemthign like a breed of dogs wiht no actuall talking to the people!! Gotta love liberal rule!!AKA comunism!!!!!

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