Giant Oklahoma Rattler???


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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

wow, thats a huge snake. to me it does look photoshopped. that would be one brave guy to be holding a rattle snake of that size like that crazy.gif i would think that the snake would be trying to bite him at that distance! if the snake was dead when he was holding it, wouldnt it be strung straight out? not curled like that? i'm really not sure either, but it looks photoshopped to me. also, i dont know about you, but holding 89 pounds like that with your left arm would be a challenge if you ask me! grin.gif

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

That is one BIG Snake:

I don't think it is photo-shopped, but I have had that same photo in my file for over a year, so it isn't really new.

He is holding the snake stick with both hands.(just can't see the other arm)

The original I got in an email said the pole was about six feet long.

Do they still use those big satellite antennas around your place?

Around here those have been used for cattle feeders for the last ten years.

That is sure one BIG SNAKE.

I hate snakes. .....popgun

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

Well...I just crossed off Oklahoma from my list of places I want to hunt!!! Man if that is real, that is a huge snake. He wouldn't even have to bite me to kill me . If I didn't die of fright, i'm sure I would have a massive heart attack if I stumbled across that.

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

Think that is real. Had a neighbor in Florida who had a rattler skin from one he killed in his yard on a piece of plywood that did not include the rattles or the head and it was over 6 feet. They can get pretty big.

Have seen some cottonmouths and rattlers with heads nearly the size of my fist just like that. They can get pretty big.

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

wow!! I haveno idea but if ti is real that guy must be super strong,if its 89 pounds and he is holding it on a stick like that that is at least a foot from his hand imagine what the wieght of the thing must be on his arm,does not look like he is straining or anyhtign, soemething looks fishy to me!

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???


Maybe it is an average sized snake, but the dude is holding it towards the camera with a long pole. 89 lbs? Hmmmmmm.......

[/ QUOTE ]

That was my first thought, too.

Anytime I receive a pic like this, I automatically discount it. Kind of "photoshopped until proven otherwise".

popgun....we have those satellites everywhere. Some are operational but a lot are just ornamental.... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest 2500HD

Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

If it was a dead snake wouldn't it be limp instead of all tensed up? Also the edges of the snake look really sharp like it was modified. Also this pic was floating around several months ago. 11lbs per foot is a lot of snake fellas.

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

I am not sure really how big the snake is, but that guy did catch him and the snake was caught around Desdemona, Eastland County, Texas.

I used to have the newspaper clipping saved, I will see if I can find it for you guys.

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

It is all with how the image was taken........that is around a 5 footer, maybe a little can see he is using his "gaff" which i would guess is about 5-6" long ........and is holding the snake out in front of doubt a heavy snake, as you can see the bend in the gaff pole.........but it ain't no 8' 89lb snake........impressive yes, but a tall tale as well.......

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