Giant Oklahoma Rattler???


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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

the guy looks familiar and is an okie i believe and the snake could be tha tlarge the biggest i have seen and handled was just over 6ft. i would say yes it coould be real and original from seeing the other snakes i have seen in oklahoma.

either way it is one big diamondback and western i would guess

rob k

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

Is the snake alive...I think so. Its head is upright and it does appear to be acting like it is supporting its own head.

Now this is a dead snake grin.gif


Is it that huge...No

Think about it like this:

This is an average size 5-6 lb Bass and it looks like its half the size of the guys body width because of the way its being held towards the camera.


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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

I saw a 7 1/2' rattler when I was running PT in bootcamp. I beleive we were in Camp Pendleton at the time, but it could have been in Diego. The DI's killed it. When that thing rattled in front of the platoon, it was deafening. It just filled the air with sound.

They estimated it at over 50 pounds. How much over, I'm not sure, but that was one huge rattler. Later that night, they cooked it over a campfire. And, I liked the taste of it. Not too bad.

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Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler???

Still think it is real, maybe not 89 pounds, but still one big snake and the guy is holding it out with both hands .

Maybe I can get a pic of some of these nasty old cottonmouths around here. Catch up with one after it eats a few of these little old swamp bunnies and they are a little on the chunky side. Have seen some around here that were nearly as big around as my calf, they look like a small log at first glimpse.

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