Light Weight Broadheads For Hunting....


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Well, it seems like the standard for hunting heads weigh in at either 100 or 125 grains. I am just curious to see how many people shoot lighter heads in the 75-85 weight class and what kind of peerformance do you get from them.

Might seem like a stupid question, but this is something that has always intrigued me as I seldom hear about people using light heads to harvest big game.

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Re: Light Weight Broadheads For Hunting....

My co-worker uses a 75 grain head and he gets good results. He is a speed demon though and thats seems to be his only motivation. Flat shooting bow too.

I use to shoot 100g heads solely, making dang sure FOC was good, etc. Then I got into trad bow shooting and saw what a heavier arrow set up could do. Yes, you maybe get more arc but it hits like a hammer. Plus like Dave said, higher weight tips most likely will sport larger cutting daimeters which can help too.

As far as FOC is concerned, the more weight up front the better for trad bows. I mean like 200g to 350g tips!!!!

Not sure how this can be when compound shooters "need" specific FOC. crazy.gifsmirk.gif

I guess its like a rock with string tied to it. The string will follow the rock. grin.gifLOL

Heck as long as I can hit what I am aiming for and get a massive blood trail doing it I am happy. wink.gif

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Re: Light Weight Broadheads For Hunting....

I have tried 75, 85, 90, and 100gr heads and the 75 and 85 shot the best, the 85 best of all. I think it had less to do with the weight than the style of the heads. Steel Force are the best flying heads I have seen.

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