Crop kill tags (WI.)

Ravin R10 man

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two local crop farms have recieved crop tags to eliminate deer . They are shooting right now!! i dont know how you can tell between bucks and does, as they look pretty much the same right now. One farms has 60 tags to fill, you must fill them by a date the dnr set or you lose the $$$. My friend runs the shooting on one farm, and he told me last year they shot some real good bucks last spring, and the farmer got about 20,000 $$$ the year before he missed the date by a week and the dnr would not honor the kill tally! I think shooting should be moved back until you can identify a buck from a doe. Its the does that add to the pop. not the bucks.

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Re: Crop kill tags (WI.)

We got the same kinda deal here onieda, its a statewide antlerless only hunt that runs after the regular season.Lotta bucks get mistaken for does every year during this season due to the bucks starting to shed thier antlers.Email the DNr and they claim theres nowhere else to put the season at that wont interfere with other exsting seasons.Bucks winding up dead kinda defeats the purpose of a doe season though.

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Re: Crop kill tags (WI.)

Thats a tough situtation. If you do it earlier, say mid to late December, then if anyone bowhunts that area they are upset. If you do it in the summer, bowhunters are upset. But, I think I'd much rather see the DNR have it be when you can easily tell the difference between bucks and does.

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Guest lilcrackshot

Re: Crop kill tags (WI.)

That's really taking a toll on the buck quality I bet. I agree about setting the season back so you can tell between does and bucks.

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Re: Crop kill tags (WI.)

Same for me here. Our neighbors absolutely hate deer. They don't hunt but they get ag tags for other people to hunt. I really don't see the point. YEah we have crop damage too but nothing worth slaughtering the deer herd for. We'd rather have the deer around. They shoot em and if there isn't enough meat on them they let them lay and don't even bother butchering them.

They're out every saturday and I think they can kill until bow season starts.

I really don't know what to say to them to make them stop, all we can do is plant food plots and make sanctuaries to keep the deer off their land.

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