Does anyone besides me keep a deer journal???


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I have about three notebooks filled with information of all the hunts and deer I've took. Not too many in my notebook. It dates back when I was ten and now at 21 I got a lot of information. I have pictures, but I also wanted to make sure I had more stuff in my life than pics of my hunting career.

I also keep a notebook strictly bowhunting related and also summer scouting and early fall scouting.

I'm gonna start a spring gobbler notebook and maybe extend it also to rabbits and upland bird hunting when I get a chance to do it and maybe even waterfowl.

Was wondering if anyone else has done this???

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Re: Does anyone besides me keep a deer journal???

I love to write also and I'll be doing a lot more when I become a teacher. My parents always wanted me to become a writer cause thats a big interest I have.

But I love keeping records on paper and get to read them and then look over at the picture and revisit that hunt.

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Re: Does anyone besides me keep a deer journal???

My dad, brother and I have a drawn out map of the area that we hunt and every time we get back from hunting we take the map out and put an O where we saw a deer that day and if we killed one we put an X on the map where we killed it. this way you see their moving patterns and how many deer u are seeing in an area.

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Re: Does anyone besides me keep a deer journal???

My journal consists of a huge Excel spreadsheet. Everything is recorded. All stands are coded with a number, and I have another spreadsheet that gives full descriptions of each stand including preferred wind direction and maintainance notes. I have over 130 different ground stands listed. Even the ones that are no longer used. They are the pinpoint locations that I reference when I notate deer sightings.

For each trip out, the weather is recorded along with the qty, sex, and actions of any deer seen at each stand, or on my way in or out of my stand or scouting encounters.

I can do a sort on any wind direction and print out all stands that are suitable for that wind direction. I can sort to find out deer encounter success ratios for any stand on any day, for any weather condition. I also have bigger areas designated for my hunting area so that I can look back and see what areas are hot on what date, and pretty much what the deer patterns are at any given day of the month. It is a fantastic hunting tool, as well as a great way to record hunting memories.

I could go on and on with the features of my journal, but you probably get the idea that I record and use just about any kind of data that you could ever imagine using.


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Re: Does anyone besides me keep a deer journal???

here is the journal i use

simple but accurate, works well with sat. pictures and maps of our hunting areas




DATE OF HUNT______PM/AM _____




# OF DEER SEEN(note both does and bucks)______

Notes from the outing:

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Re: Does anyone besides me keep a deer journal???

i write down absolutely everything about each time i go out...temperature....barometer...conditions....what time i see the deer and their behavior....wind direction...moon phases..the location the deer came and went...etc. i keep record of absolutely everything!!! i highly recommend it

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