Tornado season is here.


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Well looking outside I see a nice little swirling wall cloud. Tornado warnings have already been issued and it's the 2nd day of spring lol. Oh well, watching it move along, I can say it is going to miss me.

Last night however was different. About 3:30 this morning I was awakened by thunder and woke right in the middle of the storm for down below. It blew down two of our BIG trees, sucked my tiller and vaccuum out of the carport, and threw the fishing rods out of my boat? crazy.gif

Pretty freaky!


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Re: Tornado season is here.

yikes! the only storms we have to worry about right now are snowstorms grin.gif i have only saw one tornado in my whole life. it was last summer, it ripped right across the lake, then onto land into the lumber mill and threw a whole pile of lumber into the lake crazy.gif and then it blew a huge poplar tree across a side road. theres hardly ever any tornadoes up here. i'm pretty thankful for that!! we get some huge thunderstorms with 100kph winds. two years ago there was a storm and i bet the winds were gusting at 140-150kph (90-95mph) that was pretty darn windy! grin.gif

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Re: Tornado season is here.


tornado season in Oklahoma usually means it's time for turkey hunting and bass fishing!

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LOL yup your right! Ever been stuck in the woods or on the lake wishing you were in a storm shelter? Yea I have! LOL

Two years ago me and a buddy were Huting Black Kettle for turkeys! Well Lets just say we didnt make it back to the truck with out blood and bruises! We ran about a mile threw Throne bushes and stuff and the bruises came from the Hail! LOL NO GOOD!

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Re: Tornado season is here.



tornado season in Oklahoma usually means it's time for turkey hunting and bass fishing!

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LOL yup your right! Ever been stuck in the woods or on the lake wishing you were in a storm shelter? Yea I have! LOL

Two years ago me and a buddy were Huting Black Kettle for turkeys! Well Lets just say we didnt make it back to the truck with out blood and bruises! We ran about a mile threw Throne bushes and stuff and the bruises came from the Hail! LOL NO GOOD!

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i know how you feel, well, sort of. last spring it was down pouring, but there were turkeys gobbling around us, so we couldnt leave. The worse part was we had an old van that we were drving sitting in the field. In the end we ran out little over 1/2 a mile in the mud and crap, and it started to hail hard. we go to the van and i had to drive it out, so my dad is just like get going and dont let up. It was fun! i have never seen a touch down on the round toronado. One time I seen a funnel cloud about half way down while fishing in Minnesota, and a couple years ago we had a big funnel cloud coming down over our town here but it never touched down. Have had many tornadoes near town but never seen them.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Tornado season is here.

Wonder where in the U.S. you can live without the threat of some natural disaster. East Coast---blizzards and hurricanes. South- hurricanes and tornadoes. West-- Earthquakes and forest fires. Central---tornadoes and floods. North--blizzards. Can't really get away from it can you?? I guess I'm glad I don't live in tornado alley though. Used to live in Texas and got tired of those stupid sirens going off all the time!

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Re: Tornado season is here.

I got some great pictures of the storm as it passed through. I plan on posting them sometime later today unless are game is still on. I figure it will be canceled due to rain. I got two funnel clouds up close and personal. Thought we was gonna have a good one for a little bit. But it never touched the ground, just got low enough to make the hair on your neck stand lol.

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Re: Tornado season is here.

Tornado's are definatly one of natures greatest wonders.

I was in Florida and got to see a water spout from abot 15 miles away. We were on shore and the storm was moving north of us. A small, thin finger came down and you could see the water being drawn up.

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