Went Bunny Hunting


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I went rabbit hunting with a buddy of mine today. Had a great time. We got four total. I saw three, but only got a shot off at one. The dog ran three straight to my buddy, and he got them all. Besides my legs feeling like jello{three feet of snow, six hours on snowshoes, you get the picture}, and my face and neck being sunburned, I fared well. We both brought cameras, and both forgot about taking pics. Too late now. Oh well. We saw a coyote also, which was cool. Going again next week for sure. Probably monday, then the season ends. I just may try talking the wife into letting me get a beagle some day. Over 100 rabbits have been shot in front of his dog in three seasons. Pretty good if you ask me.

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Re: Went Bunny Hunting



You should have popped that darn yote right on the spot..

[/ QUOTE ]

We actually saw it on a back road. After we did see it we were both scrambling to get our guns loaded, but it took off before we could. It was his lucky day for sure.

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