brother in laws ethics (lack 0f)

Guest gt2003

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I talked to my brother in law today. He's hunting an area just off of a refuge and has already taken a doe. No problem. However, my wife said something to him about his friend that got caught hunting ON the refuge last year. He proceeded to tell us that it costed this guy 3500 bucks plus they took his bow. My thought was, tough crap, he knew better than to be on the refuge and took that chance anyway. His response, Well, he never would have got caught if such and such would have kept his mouth shut. I just have a tough time dealing with this kind of attitude. It really doesn't surprise me coming from him but it just makes me sick. I would not mind taking the guy hunting but know if I did he would consider the land I hunt his land and would hunt it whenever he wanted without asking. I just don't understand his way of thinking.

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Re: brother in laws ethics (lack 0f)

Don't try to understand it.

One of the private land spots I hunt is shared by me, my brother and the landowner's cousin.

The land is dordering a private hunting/shooting area belonging to a local fish and game club.

The cousin insists on hunting off the property and onto the club property. He'll eventually screw it up for my bro and myself!

Anyway, unfortuntely there are too many of these fools in the woods. All you can do is try to talk some sense into them if you can. If not, which is the likely scenario, just try to distance yourself from the individuals in question. No sense in them taking you down as well.

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Re: brother in laws ethics (lack 0f)

Thanks for the input. I would love to find another person to hunt with. However, due to his unreliability in all sorts of situations and especially his lack of ethics in this type of thing he'll never hunt with me. It just irritates the heck out of me that people like this can easily ruin it for the rest of us. Greg

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