Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!!


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Re: Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!!

You poor love sick puppy...LOL. I hope you got some sleep last night. Did "The Date" call back...again ...LOL


I also want to thank vtbowhunter and buckee for putting up with our childish tendencies.

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Yeah, I'm sure glad I'm not childish in there ...LMBO grin.gif

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Re: Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!!

LOL Casey and "The Date"..... you'll have to let us know how the 2nd one goes.

I vote for chat night every night instead of just on Monday. lol I enjoy it way too much, except for when people (I won't mention names but you know who you are!) poke fun at my Mountaineers. wink.gif

Buckee - how about that hug?

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Re: Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!!



You deserve it for all the times you got me and my buddy casey booted out of there.

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Now you know us mods would never even think of booting someone, just for the shear fun of it...he,he,he,he grin.gif

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Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. wink.gif

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Re: Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!!



You deserve it for all the times you got me and my buddy casey booted out of there.

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Now you know us mods would never even think of booting someone, just for the shear fun of it...he,he,he,he grin.gif

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Yeah Steve, whatever you say. I KNOW thats wrong. grin.gif

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Guest bronco_mudder

Re: Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!!

I come in kinda late last night, but had a great time. Lots of laughs, acting like we were kids. Casey, you should send her flowers everyday, and follow her around, otherwise she won't know that you like her. Nothin like having a stocker. LOL

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