Which one???

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My head is spinning just trying to differentiate between all the new little calibers out there..

Which 17 or would the 204 make the best new small caliber gun? I want something small that would drop yotes to groundhogs.. I have heard there were about 3 or 4 different 17 cals. out there..LOL I think I DO want a centerfire though.

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Re: Which one???

The .17 Remington (centerfire) will compare with the .204 Ruger. They are very close. So to say one is better than the other is hard. The 17 Rem, 204 Ruger, 223 Rem are all similar. I have the .17 Rem and a few 223 Rem guns. The 17 will work just great to 300 yards. I have shot many a ground squirrel with that gun. It will make red mist out of small varmints. It is also great for saving hides. On groundhogs, there is just a pinhole going in. The insides turn to mush. Drops them like they were struck with Thor's hammer! I prefer the 30 gr bullet in the 17 Rem. It is heavier but it is better at long distance. Wind drift is similar to the .222 Remington.

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Re: Which one???

Yes it does. You put the bullet in the right spot and its toast! Damage on small varmints (ground squirrels and prarie dogs) is similar to the .22-250 out to 350 yards.

The 17 Mach4 is a more efficient little cartridge but must be reloaded. It shoots the 25 gr bullets almost as fast as the 17 Rem.

I prefer the 30 gr Berger bullets in my 17 Rem. They have a higher BC to buck the wind better and still drop critters right now. Its also super cool to shoot and watch the impact in the scope. Truely hardly any recoil. I put a 2 ounce trigger and a 6-20 scope on my gun. Its super sweet.

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Guest bronco_mudder

Re: Which one???

I've never owned a 17 Rem, or any other 17 for that matter. I've been told that the 17 Rem is prone to barrel fowling. I'm not sure what type of fowling he meant, I just assumed powder. Could this be true, or just BS. If the guy was telling the truth, do you think the problem could be solved with different powder? Or if it was copper fowling by changing the bullet, and or powder charge to change the volocity?

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Re: Which one???


I put a 2 ounce trigger and a 6-20 scope on my gun

[/ QUOTE ] A 2oz trigger? Thats sweet. You should call that gun "The Whisperer" or something. You whipser and it goes off. Awsome. I have nevr shot a gun with a trigger that lite I dont think. Although my buddys .243 adl may be close. Awsome.

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Re: Which one???


I've been told that the 17 Rem is prone to barrel fowling. I'm not sure what type of fowling he meant, I just assumed powder. Could this be true, or just BS. If the guy was telling the truth, do you think the problem could be solved with different powder? Or if it was copper fowling by changing the bullet, and or powder charge to change the volocity?

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They can be prone to fouling. The fouling is copper since the bullet is screaming at 4000 fps, it can leave nasty deposits in the bore. I use moly coated bullets in all of my very fast shooting guns. All of the cartridges that I shoot that are over 3600 fps use moly coated bullets. With my factory barreled 17 Rem, I have shot over 40 shots between cleanings and the accuracy did not go away. My gun has never had a "naked" bullet (non moly coated) through its bore since it left the factory.

Slowing the bullet down defeats the purpose of the .17 caliber. The tiny bullets need high speed to be effective. My favorite powder for the .17 Rem is IMR 4320.

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Re: Which one???


I gather you want to know the difference between the new .17 hmr and .204 Ruger? The difference is huge. The 17 is a 100 yard gun

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Not tryin to be ornery or nuthin grin.gif, but the .17 hmr is not limited to 100 yards. I wouldn't want to shoot bigger animals like coyotes much farther than that, but for prarie dogs and such, they are in mortal danger within 200 yards.

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Re: Which one???


Is this correct with the 17Rem and the 204 being the speedsters? The 204 and the 17Rem are both centerfire and the 17hmr is rimfire?

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You got it! Truth be known, the .243 Win and 6mm Rem are also speed demons when they are loaded with 55 gr bullets. We are talking 4000 + fps also.

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