Quick Spins


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Has anybody ever fletched their own arrows with Quick Spins? Im thinking about fletching my own arrows and want to try the Quick Spins. If so, whats the proper way to do? The "kid" at the archery shop told me a straight helical is the only way you can do it, but I want some other opinions.

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Re: Quick Spins


VermontHunter I have found that Quick Spins are cheaper that the most of the one's you listed. I just back from the Pro Shop and the were about $1 less.

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If you found a everyday low price of a $1.00 cheaper than the Bohning, AAE, or Eastons Vanes you did the impossible IMO, Quick Spins go for $19.99 per 36 and the rest that I mentioned go for $7.99-$8.99 per 100.......that to me is quite a price difference in my book.....

This is not to say the shop wasn't giving you a deal and that the price wasn't right.....

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Re: Quick Spins


VermontHunter I have found that Quick Spins are cheaper that the most of the one's you listed. I just back from the Pro Shop and the were about $1 less.

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madskilz..Your proshop must have then on clearance. I just looked in a major archery catalog, and buying a pack of Quickspins works out to $.56/vane. Duravanes work out to $.18/vane, Bohnings work out to $.11/vane, and AAE's work out to $.14/vane.

Either your proshop had them marked wrong, or are trying to blow out overstock. If you want to try the Quickspins, thats a good chance to try them cheap.

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