Felt like a knucklehead...


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I went out today to check my Stealth Cams. I have only had two out for about a week, because I pulled one to camo it out with tape. I also taped off about one half of the sensor to prevent head and butt shots. Anyways, I rode the snowmobile out to the spot where they are. When I got to the tree where the camera was I was saddened to find someone stole it. After a few choice words I took a few steps towards my machine and then realized the stolen Stealth cam was in my hand. DUH! I felt stupid to say the least. For some reason I thought I was at the spot where a cam already was. Not sure why I am admitting this, just think it is funny now. crazy.gif

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Guest buckfever7

Re: Felt like a knucklehead...

LOL that is funny. Probably even more funny since i've experienced senior moments similar to that and I'm only 34. grin.gif Jim, It's the cabin fever we get up here in Maine I guess. Spring is comming.

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