New Pro Shop


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I just found that theres a new Pro Shop in Dixon which is just the next town over from Sterling. I was up there making some sales calls and saw it and stopped in. Nice little shop, I think they sell Parker, PSE and Bowtechs. Anyway they had some recurves with like 15# draw weight, so I took kestrel up there tonight to try it out. The owner was super nice and let her shoot for as long as she wanted while we talked hunting and such. He told us that on Saturdays the local bow club has a kids day where they have instructors and bows available for the kids to shoot and invited us out. It was a real good experience not only for me but also for Kestrel... I know what I'm going to be hearing everyday now... So daddy can we go back and buy me a bow? huh? can we? grin.gif

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Re: New Pro Shop

Sounds like you hit the jackpot with this shop,,,,,and I think you're right you're going to be making a future purchase sooner than you think... grin.gifgrin.gif,,,but hey is that a bad thing????and from what I've read in all your post and responses,, I think're little one is one lucky kid.... grin.gifsmile.gif,,,and you're both in for a whole lot of fun....

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Re: New Pro Shop


Wish someone would open up a new proshop around me...the only one around won't even talk to you unless you are one of their friends. But they are getting better since I am in there more.

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smirk.gif I would not give them the business if their SNOBS in the first place. They could take their "I'm better than you attitudes" and find a place for it where the sun dont shine on it. JMHO

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