most annoying...

Guest deldeer

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Guest deldeer

what is the most annoying thing in the woods to you ?????? (snakes, bugs, ect.) me it has to be the chigger. mad.gif i can't think of anything more ignorant then a chigger!!!!!...i think it was the "good lords" idea of a bad joke !!!!...their only pupose is to eat you alive!!! these things will drive you crazy crazy.gif, i had them so bad i had to go to the doctor and get a perscription to get rid of them. i was on the porch at two in the morning scratching my legs on the concrete steps.i was covered from my ankles to my armpits, my wife found it rather funny though grin.gif.....i was a little uneasy going back in the spring woods for awhile after that......

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Re: most annoying...

1. squirrels (while in my stand)

2. Ticks

3. Chiggers

4. Skeeters

5. cattle on neighboring property that will not shut up

6. bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, fire ants, etc.

7. The 5-10 minutes after legal shooting light, but before complete darkness!!!! Seems like their is always deer in front of me that I can barely see but can't shoot. I hate that!!!!!

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Guest bronco_mudder

Re: most annoying...

I don't know what a chigger is, but it sounds bad. I hate sand flies, and black flies those little bugs will leave you covered in blood.

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Re: most annoying...

Never really knew what a chigger was. I always saw that muskol protects against them though.

We have horseflies and sandflies......they take a chunk right out of you. I have seen a horsefly draw blood. Unreal..... Oh and of course, mosquitoes that will bite your scalp through your hat, and your arse through your pants....All comes with swamp hunting.... grin.gif

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Re: most annoying...

Since I mainly only hunt during rifle season, I don't have to deal with all the bugs, etc....... so my major complaint would have to be the squirrels and chipmunks. Nothing more annoying than one of them running through the leaves making all kinds of racket. *shakes fist at them* There have been a few times where I hadn't seen any deer for a day or so and mr. fox squirrel(s) shows up. Soooooo tempting to shoot them as you don't see them very often. tongue.gif

I'm sort of glad I don't hunt much during the early part of fall seeing as how I get bit ALL the time by mosquitos outside of the woods. I'm just too sweet I guess...... grin.gifsmirk.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: most annoying...

MOSQUITOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing worse than trying to be still and your blood is being drained from you.

Oh yeah, and also...hunting dogs or just dogs in general that chase your deer off before you get to see anything.

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Re: most annoying...

I am with Alisha on the squirrels and chipmunks. It's ok until you make eye contact with them, then they won't go away and seem to think it is their duty to let the rest of the forest know you are there....wonder if they have a deal with the deer? LOL

Last year I was sitting on the ground, leaning up against a stone wall. I felt like someone was looking at me, so I turned to see a squirrel about 3 inches from my face. I don't know who was scared more, him or me!

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