Your Bumper Stickers


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Re: Your Bumper Stickers


I don't have any on my truck. I did see a woman with a sticker on her truck that said " If Your Gonna Ride My A@@, At Least You Could Pull My Hair"

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LOL!! i like that one! grin.gifgrin.giflaugh.gif

i dont have my own vehicle yet, i dont think i'd put any bumper stickers on it anyway. all depends what kind of vehicle it was i guess. grin.gif

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Re: Your Bumper Stickers

No bumper stickers but a few rear window stickers and a front license plate.

Window stickers: NAHC Life Member, a bowhunter in treestand at full draw, and a Lincoln Country Trail Riders sticker

License plate: American flag with the sentence "Sept 11, 2001....Our loss will not be forgotten."

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest buckchaser

Re: Your Bumper Stickers

iv'e got a primetime buck track and nwtf logo and some others i seen one that i would like to get it is a p.e.t.a. sticker(people eating tasty animals)gotta love that!

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Guest Andrea

Re: Your Bumper Stickers

Well, I have seen it all. These people need help. Here's what their bumper stickers said:

"Jesus died for our sins

So we might as well get

our $$$ worth"

"The only thing wrong with

Baptists is they don't hold

them under long enough"

"Where there's a witch

There's a way"

Pretty disgusting.

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