How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.


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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

I got some HP goodies for my truck, so I burn 93 octane at almost $2.30+ per gallon. My truck usually takes 17 gallons to fill up when on "E", so you talking around $40.00. So that's $6.00 more per tankful compared to regular unleaded, but boy my truck sure loves to run on that High test gas!!

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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.


My truck usually takes 17 gallons to fill up when on "E", so you talking around $40.00. So that's $6.00 more per tankful compared to regular unleaded,

[/ QUOTE ]

I can stick over 30 gallons of diesel in my F250, so the increase adds up pretty quick.

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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

You can thank the OPECERS for this. Back around 1999 they flooded the market with oil causing the price to drop to less than $10/barrel in a lot of places domestically. Remember the gas prices being less than $1.00/gallon? The price stayed that low for almost 2 years. During that time a lot of domestic stipper (low volume) wells were not economic to produce and you can't keep producing a low volume well and loose money. If those wells aren't producing and the lease is beyond the primary term (usually 3 to 5 years) the lease expires if the well fails to produce for 90 days. Those wells were ultimatley plugged as required by law. During that 2 year time period the loss of those stripper wells nation wide added up to a drop in domestic oil production of about 1.2 million barrels/day. I honestly believe it was a deliberate move made by OPEC to reduce competition to their market.

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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

Over $2 here. Will it affect my turkey hunting....not a chance. I got a gas guzzlin 5.4L V8 4WD F150. Gets about 12 mpg. But, I am willing to pay for the horsepower. Untill they come out with an over 300ci V8 that gets 300+ horsepower and gets 35 mpg....we're stuck! When I want 35 mpg, I drive my Toyota Corolla! If you want to drive a car you gotta put gas in it. Face it people, without the automotive industry USA wouldn't have jack. The automotive industry is Americana. Sure the Japanese make excellent vehicles, but they took a product that was already established and continuously improves upon it. Matter of fact, take electronics for example, i.e. the Television. Name one American made T.V.??? Maybe General Electric comes to mind. Now name Japanese T.V.'s: Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Sony, Hitachi, Samsung. The list goes on.

The gas prices will continue to rise and rise. Will it effect the automotive industry? Nope. Ford will still sell their near 1 million F150's every year. And, Civics and Corollas will still roll off Japanese lines. I think it is funny how some people I know complain about how much the current gas prices upset them. One guy actually bought a great gas vehicle (30 mpg) and still complains about gas. That is what upsets me. Just think if this country didn't have cars. How would we get to work? Now think Japan. You would have to ride the subway miles upon miles to work, packed like a can of sardines and dreading the arrival of the hot and sweaty summer? Or would you willingly pay your $2 a gallon and enjoy the spring ride to work, listening to your favorite music while you adjust the air conditioner to the perfect setting and drink your tall cup of coffee. I think we got it made people. Driving and owning your own vehicle is a luxury. If you have a vehicle that drinks alot of gasoline and takes a loan to fill it up. Sell it. That is the price you pay for having the things you want. It takes me half the amount of money to fill up my Corolla than it does my F150, AND I can drive twice the distance in my Corolla than my F150. But, my Corolla aint no 4WD, and it aint taking me to the backwoods of my hunting holes.

Sorry to ramble.......gas prices have just been a hot topic here in the office.

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Guest WhiteHead

Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

Hey Redbeard you will look cool going down the road to home with your turkeys head floppin in a side car. Price were I am was 2.02 today. I put it plastic and make payments, cause I'm sure going, for sure!

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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

Well, I got a cure...........we start thinkin' like our forefather's did back in the 1400's thru the late 1800's. When we invade a country, we take and keep it. Instead of pourin' billions into IRAQ, why don't we just plant the dang flag and annex the country. Make it guvment oil................sell it cheap.

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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

Up to $2.04 here. I got it for $1.98 a couple days ago, but it's been as high as $2.19 in the last couple of weeks. I've heard it'll hit $3.00 by the end of the summer and $5.00 by the end of next year. shocked.gifshocked.gif

As long as people have their own cars, they'll pay whatever the price is so they can drive. Gas prices per gallon are still cheaper than many other products cost per gallon, i.e. milk, soda, etc.

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Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

Taking out a loan next week. The wife thinks it for vacation this summer AND HOME INPROVEMENT.

But a little, OK MOST OF IT, is for TURKEY SEASON!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gifwink.gif

I may be broke after it is all over but I and my son will of had the time of our lives!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

confused.gif$2.05 and rising confused.gif

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Guest 257Roberts

Re: How much will GAS PRICES effect turkey by the lb.

Lets do the math guys. Me for instance i have to drive 60 miles round trip to go hunting. My vehicle gets roughly 17 mpg. Thats roughly 3.5 gallons of gas per round trip. At 2.05 a gall thats $7.23 per turkey hunting trip. Now concider its only about $0.50 more than it was last year so that is only 1.75 more than i payed for a trip last year. Thats like mountain dew and a honebun man. Not really worth worrying about to me.

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