S.G.H Head....


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The mech post above made me check out G5s' site and I saw this...Interesting.



New for 2005, the S.G.H., is designed with the "critter" in mind where the goal is to "shock and tear" the prey without annihialting it. No longer will the small game hunter have to take a backseat to his big game counterparts.

Featuring a 1" cutting diameter, this three-bladed broadhead can be sharpened with a 1/4" round file in a similar method as resharpening a chain saw blade. Made from a single piece of stainless steel this head is durable enough to take repeated shots even from the most powerful new bows. Designed for all same game, (i.e. squirrels, rabbits, pheasants,) it is also a great turkey head!

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