Thanks and a question


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Thanks to Travis and Iminrut for helping me get those elk shedding pictures posted to the forum. I'll figure it out someday!

Can't tell you how many people have said something like "those pictures are worth some money" or several people thought I could enter them into photo contests. I guess I wasn't thinking along those lines in the beginning, or I probably wouldn't have posted them on the web so quickly.

Personally, I think the photos are pretty cool, but are they good enough to generate $$$? I'm not so sure. If anyone has ideas on how to market them or enter them into a contest, let me know? I would probably take a shot at it. I did talk to the photo layout person at the Bugle Magazine yesterday in Missoula and she took a set of the pics and may use them in a future issue.

Any other thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: Thanks and a question

those sure are great pics that you took man. unreal for sure. not too many people can be lucky enough to see an animal shed its antlers like that. awesome camera work from you for sure!! you were definetly in the right place at the right time, and there is no doubt in my mind that those things would make it into a magazine! cool.gif

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