Picked up my Pistol Saturday


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Purchased a New Model Blackhawk (44 Mag) of an auction site and I picked it up on Saturday. The Seller said it'd had a few (he said 6) rounds shot through it and it looked it...looked pretty much NEW. Put about 15 rounds through it on Sunday and I was impressed. Accuracy at 25 yards was pretty good for my first time shooting it and it is the cannon that I wanted. Sure wouldn't want to sit and pump 50 rounds through it at a single setting though. It will be perfect for carrying as my sidearm during my MT hunt in the fall.

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Guest lilcrackshot

Re: Picked up my Pistol Saturday

44 Mags are fun too shoot. There is also the 454 Casull though. It has about twice the force but also twice the recoil. Have fun!

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Re: Picked up my Pistol Saturday

That'll make a fine back up gun. Have fun with it.

You may want to look at a set of Pachmayr (sp?) grips. They fill in the gap behind the triggerguard which helps eliminate some of the battering the triggerguard will give your middle finger.


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Re: Picked up my Pistol Saturday

It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more shooting with it. I'll look into the grips -- I actually have more problem with catching my trigger finger on the bottom of the trigger during recoil. I may have to just move my finger a little higher on the trigger.

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Re: Picked up my Pistol Saturday

I always factor the S/H as well as the FFL fee into my overall bid limit. Had a great time at the range this past weekend with my 9 yr old son. He was mostly shooting his .22 rifle, but he also had the guts enough to pull the trigger on my 1860 Army black powder revolver. Hit the paper at 25 yards - just needs to get a little stronger.

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Re: Picked up my Pistol Saturday

Sure thing.....

The Bisley grip is more verticle than the standard Blackhawk grip.

Here's a Bisley like you've got.


And here's a standard Blackhawk...


As you can see there is quite a difference. Many believe (me included) that the Bisley grip is far more comfortable when shooting heavy kickers.


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Guest SavageTaylor

Re: Picked up my Pistol Saturday

Sweet look'n handcannon! I went with a set of Hogue grips on my Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag, they made a real improvement on my shooting by taming the felt recoil a fair bit & giving me a firmer grip. Worth considering anyhow.


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