
Guest Big_Game_Hunter_64

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Re: tips

Here is something I picked up on my own through experience.Watch for those big muley bucks laying right on the trails in the buck brush & hill sides.They have a perfect getaway.Scan the hillsides & trails.Walk very slowly & hunt.I always tell the guys I'm with,"Don't just walk,Hunt!"Good luck & above all,Have a great time!

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Re: tips

there are soem great anserrs above!! A big mule will lay wwere eh can smell behind yet see in front, to hunt mules spend more time glassing than anythign else, liek thet said get out before daylight and be on a hill glassing, trust me you will see deer thta you never knew were there!! I have rattled in a few mules but have not had the luck I have with whitetial!! Good luck!!

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Re: tips

I rattled in a mule deer on October 7 this year. Saskbucks rattled in whitetails on October 9 and October 11. I think rattling could work on October 25 for you. However, a guy I know that does a lot of rattling for deer photography seems to think that there is a lull in the last week of October when the bucks just don't respond as much to rattling.

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