Neighbors dog poop in my lawn....busted !!!


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Re: Neighbors dog poop in my lawn....busted !!!

TG: I am glad to hear you did not go through with your Mom's plan.

What does your Mom have against the mailman?

You probably, and wisely realized that the mailman would have been the first to put his hand in the mailbox, and not the owner of the poop.

Everyone should realize that the poor mailman has no way to clean up after such an episode other than his windshield washers.

This has happened to me more times than I care to remember during 35 years on the job, and I never took the joke well.

I have found dead cats, fermented crayfish, shaving cream, live cats, road kill, and even a snake once.

It isn't easy for the mailman to clean up (being twenty miles from his home) and most of the route left to deliver.

Thanks for not going through with such a childish and filthy plan.

note: Yes, it is a federal offense if there is any mail already in the box. If no mail is there it would be a misdemeanor, but "Delaying the delivery of the mail is a federal crime and will always be followed up by the US Postal Inspectors". They get paid for finding out who does things like this, and do a fairly good job. .....popgun

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Re: Neighbors dog poop in my lawn....busted !!!


Listen man, I have dealt with this before. This is a true story cut short...kinda

1st time. I asked polietly for them to keep dog out of my yard (I cleaned it up)

2nd time. I TOLD them to keep dog out of my yard. I cleaned it up

3rd time. I WARNED them to keep dog out of yard and TOLD them they need to clean it up.

4th time. I took poop and put in front of door

The guy came over and asked me to step outside. I gladly did and asked what his problem is. He said I must be nuts for doing that. I said, well keep your ******* dog out of my yard then pal. He said he should kick my butt, I said if you feel froggy, leap buddy. He looked at me for a few seconds and said that if I stick dog crap on his porch again, he will kick my butt. I grew angry quick and grabbed the guy and told him if he threatens me again or if I see his dog in my yard again, I will kick his butt and kill his dog. The guy called the cops on me and the cop ended up being a former Marine and after it was all said and done, the guy got warned about the dog and himself. The dog never returned to my yard and the guy ended up committing suicide 6 months later from a break-up with girlfriend.

Moral of story....keep your freaking dog out of my yard or your girlfriend might break-up with you and then you might kill yourself.

This happened in Oceanside,California while I was stationed at Camp Pendleton.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why does this story not surprise me in the least. Something like this could only happen to you Mike.

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Re: Neighbors dog poop in my lawn....busted !!!

I do just about what bronco mudder does. i go to the SPCA and get some live traps. they're free with just a deposit and then you get your money back when you return it. anyways, but instead of doing the skunk thing, i take them right to the SPCA. and when they ask what kind of cat it is, i tell them its a wild cat.

guess what happens then? Its lights out for kitty!

sorry if that seems mean, but keep track of your pets. theres nothing more disgusting in this world than a cat who sprays and that god awful smell never goes away.


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