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Does anyone participate in the sport of Falconry?

Falconry is when someone is a trained Falconer that is trained to hunt with falcons. Here in NY, you have to be 14 to take the class and acquire a license. I am only 13, when I turn 14 I am going to take the class. NYS DEC supplies you with either an American Kestrel or a Red Tailed Hawk. They are trapped from the wild and its all part of the training process.

In other words, you send the falcon out and it comes back with squirrels, rabbits, pheasants etc... smile.gifcool.gif

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Re: Falconry

i mow this guys yard that lives down the street from me and he is into falconry alot. he has a farm a few miles out of town and for 5 years straight they have killed at least 400 pheasants off of there. he has taken me out a few times and showed the birds in action. i even got some of it on video. very cool thing to see.

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Falconry

i just watched the show.. It happened to me.. and they had a guy that got stuck in his truck in the middle of no where...he was looking for a new bird to train....but it went into detail about falconry. looks like a lot of dedication and traing to your hawk. good luck and most of all have fun.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest cmaxter

A kestrel(sparrow hawk) will catch grasshoppers for you and a red tail will catch pine con's in her first year.. as for real hunting with either? forget hunting with the lil kestrel and hope your red will catch a coot, or a rabbit near her second year in life: )

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