Florida Success


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Finally able to get away from the killer week i've had back at school after a nice turkey hunting spring break week. Anyways yall know i got my first Osceola on the 12th so here's a short story and some pics.

I arrived in Fl about 8am Friday and met up w/ Joeturky who showed me around andput me after some birds, talk a good bud. I spent the mid day scouting and tryin to get a little familiar with the area, setting waypoints and such in areas that i thought looked like they had potential. At dark i tried roosting a bird w/ no luck. A fair nights sleep in the bed of my pickup came and went. A few people showed up to hunt the area i was in that morning so i was out early and set up in a spot i hoped a bird would be visiting early. Daylight came without any gobbles, or any turkey sounds. I set up again in a different spot w/ no luck and then headed through knee deep water to a burn. I got to the burn, sat up against a nice pine and took a few much needed gulps of water. I let out an series of cutts and excited hens yelps and another about 5 minutes later. I think i had called a few more times soft when i saw turkey about 25 yards away headed toward me. With my gun already on my knee and the turkey showing up over the gun barrel it was all too easy. I then noticed two turkeys, not knowing what they were i said to myself, "please have redheads, please have redheads" the first head came up and it was red, alright so something was going to die. The first bird stepped in the openning, jake, the second bird stepped up beside him, jake, well being i'd never killed an osceola. . . a jake it would be. The second bird ducked back and away and the first one took a load of #6's. My first Osceola, i was syked! I hunted the next 2 days with no luck but did call hens up both days and saw parts of the world that one will never see unless the go south and put several miles on a pair of boots.


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Re: Florida Success

Congrats on the Osceola Cove!!! I have relatives that live in South Florida and I bet that territory makes for some tough hunting...especially for turkeys.

Go get those GA birds and give me a hollar if you want to come chase some Bama birds...my turkey hunting place is not too far from where you duck hunt.


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