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well in my experience of bowhunting which is only 5 years now but i have shot beman ics' all 5 of them and i couldnt ask for anything more from them.....i have also heard that the easton axis arrows are awesome as to your other "?" i have never used the quick-spin fletchings so i cant really help ya there.....

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Re: arrows

I am partial to Gold Tips. I am shoooting gold Tip XT Hunter, black shafts. They are extremely durable, reasonably prices, and have pretty tight tolerances. As for the Quick spins. some people swear by them, some people swear at them. I have no opinion either way, as I have never used them.

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Re: arrows

I use to shoot aluminums and switched to carbons. I will never go back. I shoot carbon express Terminator Selects and I have only broke one. That was at a bow shoot and they had a Sapling next to the 12 ring an I snaped it. Most any carbon you pick might or might not suit you. Your going to get a bunch of opinions on here grin.gif (Carbon Express!!!!!!!)

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: arrows

I use vapors also,4000's they shoot great and are durable, as for speed, that's not one of my priorities, i am more interested in penetration, and my accuracy.

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Re: arrows

If you can get 3 inch or better (preferably better) groups at your maximum hunting/shooting distance than the type of arrow you are shooting matters little. Just have a sharp, good quality, broadhead on the business end and you are set to go. By the way, I personally use Easton XX78 aluminum arrows. My thought on the quick spin vanes would be that it is something that is trying to correct an incorrectly spined arrow or poorly tuned bow. The quick spin vanes will result in more air drag/resistance causing more rapid lost of arrow speed. That's my view from here.

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Re: arrows

i shoot Goldtip 5575 22 Series Pros for hunting... i have never needed to induce spin to my arrows to get them to fly better.... i hold very tight groups out to 60 yds with straight 4 inch fletch..

the secret is getting the broadhead balenced with the arrow shaft by spin tuning....

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