Muzzy 4 blades

Guest Bowhunter2114

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Guest Bowhunter2114

My mind is pretty much set on trying Mechanicals this year. But me like everyone else will change my mind a thousand times before I go out and buy them. I was just wondering If there is anything I can do (MYSELF) to get better arrow flight out of my muzzys? I loved them with my other bow and aluminum arrows. But now Im drawing about 64# and I am shooting carbons. I know the Insert has to be square to the shaft and all that stuff. Is there anything else?

I would like to shoot muzzys but if I can't get them to shoot accuratly I won't.

I shot a Doe square in the shoulder 2 years ago with a muzzy (Not a very good shot) but it went through both shoulders and was sticking out the other side grin.gif The blade was fine.

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Re: Muzzy 4 blades

Tune your bow. grin.gif You might need arrow rest adjustmenst, nock point adjustments or other adjustments to get your broadheads shooting true. If they are real close, I'd just adjust your sights. grin.gif

I've never had a problem shooting broadheads yet. Muzzy 4-blades in '03, 3-blades in '02 and '04. Some other folks that had to tune their bow will probably be able to help you better.

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Re: Muzzy 4 blades


Tune your bow. grin.gif

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I couldn't agree more....and you would be suprised on how many people think there bow is well tuned, but isn't........pride before a fall.....

There is no reason why those Muzzy's should not group right near or with your field points.......they fly that well, and you won't find me shooting anything else........although I do have some Montec's but only cause Dman felt sorry for me and gave me three new ones......LOL

Three things can cause broadheads to not fly and group well.......bow out of tuned.....misaligned inserts, or a bad arrow.......improper form.........a broadhead will amplify an problem in your set-up, but when things are done right, they will stack in there right with your field points......

Sure, mechanicals are an easy fix, but they only make up for the problems that are still there.....and those problems tend to have the ability to announce themselves at the worst when it comes time to release on an animal........

If you decide to shoot mechanicals, still make sure you take the time to check out the rest of your set-up and your will pay off in the end....... wink.gif

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Re: Muzzy 4 blades

yep I think my nock point needs to be raised. My pro shop said It would be ok untill I got a new string then they would raise it. I really don't need a string for another season so I might try some mechanicals atleast for this fall.

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