The Funniest Turkey Hunt......................


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One more day to put up with my would have to be last year's hunt with my boy who took his first two toms with one shot. You see I'd been chasin' this old smart strutter for a week or two and the day before Will was to hunt, I'd seen six jakes in the area and no big tom. The jakes were struttin and that caused me to think the old tom had been killed (I'd heard a shot the day before) Well, I rouse the boy on an early Sunday morn and we head out in a drizzle. Hot humid day for sure. We walked and walked until we came upon the last place I thought the birds would be. Sure enough, I spot a hen and Will spots three jakes struttin'. We immediately stop and get real still and quiet and I spy a hen not five yards to my right. Then I heard this low hummin', just like my Walker's itc game ear gives off when it's out of frequency. This was wierd, I'd misplaced one ear and the other was shut off. I start to thinkin', I bet I lost here yesterday. It sounded as if it were coming from the hen. Dang, that hen swallowed my 400.00 dollar hearing aid. As she moved it got louder too! Crap, I was hopin' it wouldn't scare off the jakes. Then she musta seen two short trees that weren't there yesterday and starting cluckin'. Well, that's all the jakes could stand and they folded strut and came right on up to Will's gun range. He aimed for one and dropped two. Soon as he shoots, he hollers, "I got one, I got one" Well, I was already there by that time and I hollered back, "You got two!" I got one up right quick like for the dead bird rodeo and the other was wing walkin' to beat the band. I told Will to grab him up but poor ol' Will had never seen this part of the game. He was fixin' to shoot again. I quickly dropped my bird and through that one up over my shoulder and he fanned by wet back until he'd got to turkey heaven. Later, I was putting my diaphram back in my call pouch and you know what.....there was my other Walker game ear. Whew.....was glad of that, we don't need any hens laying bionic hearin' toms grin.gif.

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