Just got my deer back (pic)


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Re: Just got my deer back (pic)

Hi everyone,

I am glad that you are enjoying the picture and thank you for the kind feedback. Here are some answers to your questions.

I shot the deer in the southern tier near my hometown of Hamilton. It was the day after Thanksgiving. I shot the deer with a 16 ga. Remington 1100 mounted with a red dot scope and Brenneke slugs. It was raining very hard that day so we decided to do a couple small drives in the morning till we got wet then carve deer in the afternoon. We had done this drive only one other time so it was still new to us. About half way through the drive I heard a deer sneaking out. Just so happened it was 30 yards in front of me. I was not hid well and he spotted me instantly. He made one good jump before I poked him in the boiler room and he crashed to the ground. That is where the picture below was taken.

Afterwards we weighed him and he was 185 pounds. He was extremely lean from the rut. In fact when I quartered him for the trip home I hung a front and hind legs on a pole. He was so lean that his front legs were as big as his hind legs. The first thing the taxidermist noted was how thin he was. I don't know anyone who measures racks. I just met someone 2 weeks ago who did offer to come to my house for $15. When I dropped him off the taxidermist figured he would measure about 130 and dry into the 120's. He did determine that the deer was 4-1/2 years old which is very rare for the southern tier. Taxidermy was done by Swamp Taxidermy in North Brookfield.



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