First gun that you ever bought?


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Re: First gun that you ever bought?

I got into small game hunting when I was in high school, but I always had to borrow a gun, which I hated. I had a cousin that did not hunt anymore, and I found out through my dad that he wanted to sell his Ithaca, so I drove over one day, forked over $100 and walked away with an Ithaca model 37 20 gauge that had about 5 boxes of shells through it.

Still got it, but I don't use it much anymore.

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Re: First gun that you ever bought?

Still haven't had to buy one. My first was a 30-06 given to me almost new by a family friend when i was 13 for help building his cabin. Then my dad gave me a .22, and 20 guage shotgun, and a 12 guage shotgun. My uncle gave me my grandpa's beretta 12 guage, and my dad gave me one of his hawking .50 cal. muzzle loaders. Plan to buy a .270 semi-auto this year though.

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Re: First gun that you ever bought?

My first gun was a hand-me-down from my Dad.

It was a Volunteer Arms single shot 410.

The first I bought was a single shot 22 Remington 514 bolt action, that shoots shorts, longs, or long rifles.

I still have both, and they are still in good shape, and good shooters. .....popgun

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