climber or hang-on


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Re: climber or hang-on

I have about a dozen fixed portable tree stands, usually set them up before the season and then move them accordingly. I also have 6 or so permanent stands (wooden) that I hunt out of. However I am finding that I am using my climber more and more. For a couple reasons. I find a spot during the season I like and I can hunt it right away. Second I can pretty much slip in undetected and put the stand up and the deer have no idea I am there, until its too late. And thirdly, I like using the climber because other hunter don't know where I am unless they stumble on me during the hunt. We have some hunters that see our stands and then they set up real close because they are to lazy to do there homework and rely on us to make it easy for them. I hunt with a summit climber, it weighs 16 pounds and is extremely quiet.

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Re: climber or hang-on

Thats a hard question. I like them both. I know I feel safer in my climber and I go higher in my climber too. A climber is nice for being portable and a hang-on is nice to have for those real good spots that will not supprt a climber because of the trees or whatever....a hang-on you can almost throw anywhere and dont have to worry about the branches or anything like that...and be covered up pretty good where as a climber you have the limbs and branches on the trees to get around....unless of course you use a saw but I TRY not to do that if I am able. I perfer my climber for hunting but use both.

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