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Welcome to the Realtree forums apmaurosr. Some interesting books you have there. I'd be the wrong guy to talk with on hunting travels, since mine have been few and far between. I'm just one of them stick close to home sort of guys, but I sure do have fun hunting these blacktails. grin.gif

Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Re: Talk to me

Hey Ant! Welcome to the forums. I got started hunting in 2000 with my brother in law. Took a small buck in the first half hour of opening day in PA. I have been hooked since. Some great stories in a recent post in the turkey forum on ones that got away. Check it out. Glad to have you on board and keep the posts coming.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Talk to me

I'd love to go to Africa, but I am afraid to fly nowadays. Those were some beautiful pictures!!!!! The gemsbok and the kudu are my favorite. Tell me, do you hunt stuff like whitetail and elk or just exotics? Did you guys sleep in tents or cabins? Just how wild is it really? You'll have to tell me everything cause I'll never get to go! grin.gif

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Re: Talk to me

Welcome to the RT forums and thanks for sharing the great stories and pics. Have had some pretty close encounters with snakes while hunting here for whitetails and turkeys on too many occasions to count. Nothing like a black mamba or a adder though, just copperheads and water moccasins.

Would love to hunt big game in Africa.

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Re: Talk to me

Welcome to the forums apmaurosr... smile.gif

Your web site is just awesome. About the only place I have really hunted was across the road from where I live...

I have always thought about going to Africa and hunting but with my work I guess I'll just keep that in my dreams and keep on wishing...

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