For women of all ages

Guest chicks_hunt_to

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Re: For women of all ages

I'm 22,lol! I've been hunting since I was 15 or 16, can't remember but it is going on 7 years now. I never really had anyone influence me to hunt, though I was always excited when Andy( family friend/ fatherly figure,lol) would come home with a deer. I guess one day I decided I wanted to hunt andh ave never regretted it. I hunt by myself for the most part. Andy will hunt during deer season but I do squirrel and turkey hunting and deer by myself alot, don't know any female hunters around here, just some rude neighbors,lol! The woods is the best place to be next to heaven!

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Re: For women of all ages

I must be the luckest man on earth, my Loving wife got into hunting so we could have more family time and now our 4 sons look like they are going to be hunters too. I am gone most of the time now so the hunting is very nice.

I have allways liked to see Lady's and young ones take up the sport that has ment to much to me. I keep telling my family that it is about the time that we share and getting game is just a plus.

I will have to see if I can get mommy (my wife) on here, she has so much to do and so little time, what with college, 4 sons and me gone but somehow she seems to get it done. I keep telling her the her job is alot harder then me being in the army.

She is also helping with the Ohio state Women in the Outdoors event.

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Re: For women of all ages


Funny thing about kids, my oldest son did not like hunting at all. He would tell me that he "just could not kill anything." So I never pushed him, just told him how much I would like for him to go with us, then one day his cousin asked if I would take him hunting. The boy got a very nice 8 pt buck and that spring my son asked if I would let him go turkey hunting. He got his turkey and it was "OH WELL", then opening day of Duck season he killed a mallerd and tryed to get his lab to go get it but the lab keep going into a brush pill, I told him to let the dog go and here he came with his duck. The light in his eyes was priceless. He killed 3 deer that year, a button buck w/ a rifle, small racked 9 pt and his first deer was a very nice racked 17 7/8" outside spread 10 pt that scored 128 0/8". Not bad for the first year hunting. Last year I did not get home much to hunt do to the Guard and when I did he was sick (alergiesSP?) He is 16 now.

My 10 year old allways loved the outdoors and I held the gun and he leaned on my back to pull the trigger when he was 4 for his first tree rat. Now he only seams to like to hunt with mommy, few years ago he just told me he did not like hunting much any more and mommy allways seamed to know when to come home but he is hunting more and asked me to take him out this spring.

my 6 year old is so much like me it scares me, he shot his brothers 410, the hammer cut him under the eye and said, "can I shoot it again!" I can not get out the door without him right by me. What really scares me is he asked mommy if he can have a Special Forces birthday party this year and after seeing me jump out of the helo last fall, well I think I am going to have to bake his knee so the army will not take him. My Dad and I are both Green Berets and I don't need him doing the same thing as we did.

My baby is 5 and till I went back on active duty last Aug he did not like to be around guns or hunt, now all he wonts to do is be with daddy when I get home even if that means going shooting or hunting, he still don't like to shoot anything but a bb gun but that is fine.

Mommy did not hunt till we got marred and has killed 2 fall turkeys, 1 spring tom (that went 23 lbs 10" beard, 1" hooks), 5 deer (1 was 8 1/2 years old and 1 was a 10 pt) and lots of small game. She is in College now for Park, Rec and Wildlife and when she gets out this summer, she is looking to have a wild game bird farm.

I am very thankful that God gave this Lady to me 8 years ago (it will be 8 years on the 16th of this month) Well I am though bragging for now about how lucky I am.

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