turkey guns

Guest kracey

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Guest kracey

There is no best gun. There are many good guns out there. It really depends on how much you want to spend. I like the Winchester 1300 or the Remington 870 (mid ranged priced). There are more expensive Benelli's and brownings. and there is cheaper like the mossberg's.

I suggest you look into what gauge you would like 20, 16, 12. ( the most popular is the 12 guage) and then look at what chambering you want 3 inch or 3 1/2 inch, Either will be fine. I suggest you talk to your local gun shop about this. And if this was not that short of question. Then I have to go with the Winchester 1300 haha. But by no means is it the best. It is just what I like.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: turkey guns

I like my old Remington 870. It will only shoot 2 3/4" shells but has taken toms at 40 yards. Anything past 40 yards-----IMO---you should not be shooting at. I think if I had to do it over I would look at a double barrel. I like the choice of 2 different chokes. I think a little more open choke for those birds at 15 yards & the full choke for birds at 40 yards. I"ve killed more gobblers at 15 yards than I've killed at 40 . Plus you also could use 6's in one barrel & 4's in the other.

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Re: turkey guns


whats the best gun for turkey hunting ?

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Probably the one you already have. grin.gif

IMHO, the most important factors in a turkey setup are (in order of importance):

1. The choke tube

2. The ammunition

3. The gun

If you take the time to find the right combination of choke and ammo, the name and model of the gun is pretty much a matter of what you have or of personal choice. Good choices as turkey killers would include:

Mossberg 500, 9200, 835, 935

Winchester 1300, Super X2

Remington 870, 11-87

Benelli SBE, Nova

Stoeger 2000

NEF singles

Browning Gold, BPS

Etc, etc, etc................... wink.gif

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Re: turkey guns

I have a Remington 870 with a 3&1/2" chamber and it is an excellent turkey gun. With that said, I must also say that it took a little bit of testing to find out which shells patterned best with it. Almost any shotgun will get the job done if you find the best shell/choke combination. There can be quite a cost investment there and if you are talking choke tubes, if you paid $80.00 to $90.00 for it and it doesn't work worth a tinkers toot, you can not take it back where you bought it. If you can afford it and need/want another toy, flip a coin and pick the one you like best, otherwise the gun you have is the best one.

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Re: turkey guns


I think if I had to do it over I would look at a double barrel. I like the choice of 2 different chokes. I think a little more open choke for those birds at 15 yards & the full choke for birds at 40 yards. I"ve killed more gobblers at 15 yards than I've killed at 40 . Plus you also could use 6's in one barrel & 4's in the other.

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I'm on the same boat with Bob on his analysis. These super tight choke guns are the cause of alot of misses at short yardage. That movin' head is hard to hit sometimes and who wants to shoot 'em in the body. Not me, might shorten the beard. tongue.gif It's like a dang bullet. I'm thinking of getting a Heckler and Kock 12 guage side by side. Thinkin' real hard..............

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