I am hurting so bad....


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I know I made some of you mad last week and I am sorry for that, but something has happened to me. My life was turned upside down last night and I am hurting so bad. I can't go into details as to what happened, but just know that my heart is crushed and broken. I have never hurt this bad in my entire life, and there is nothing I can do to get this sick feeling out of me. I can't sleep, and I just don't know what to do anymore. I just feel like throwing up and crying til I can cry no more. I cried myself to sleep last night for the first time since I was like 6. I just have to get this off my chest to someone, and I figured there was no better place.

A broken heart.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

YB... nothing I. or anyone here can say will make you feel any better. Just know that almost each and everyone of us has gone through it too. Your first love is awesome, but it also hurts you the most. When you lose your first love, you experience new and different kinds of pain, and emotion. Things you never imagined.

The only advice I can give you is that it will get better. I know you don't think so, but it will. Know that you aren't alone. like I said it has happened to almost each and everyone of us at some point in out lives. Hang in there!

Sorry I couldn't tell you the magical thing to make it better.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Well, I'm assuming you and Jen broke up.

Happened to me twice before I found my wife, and to be honest, the two break ups were the best thing for me because God led me to my wife.

Whatever we say here won't come close to taking away the pain, but my advice to you is have faith that God is leading you to something better.

Hang in there bud, we've all been there.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

I areee with Tom, Sounds Like this is a JEN problem.

All I can tell ya to do is keep your head up! Yes its hard yes it sucks yea its the worst feeling.

But realize its the best for you! Keep your head up and keep occupied! STAY BUSY that way you dont think about her!

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

All I can say is everything happens for a reason. Yeah it sucks at first, and you don't understand until you look back on it months later and realize there were problems all along and you weren't right for each other. Time heals, just move on and do the things you like doing to take your mind off of it. We've all been there and it never gets easy for anyone.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Sounds like a problem with a girl to me also. If you two are through, keep your chin up. Someone else will come along soon. They always do. Just be glad it ended now, not ten-twenty years from now when kids are involved. If she was your first true love, you will never forget her or the good times. I haven't with mine. Be strong buddy....


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Re: I am hurting so bad....

YB...I am going to assume the same as everybody else. I remember when my first love walked out of my life. I was crushed for quite a while. I tried dating but it just wasn't happening. Don't force that part. I eventually didn't date anybody for quite some time. Take time for you. It will take some time to get over but you will get past this. Stay busy and hang with your friends. I know you probably have baseball coming up, throw yourself into that.

Be strong and KNOW it will get easier, with time.


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Re: I am hurting so bad....

It might seem that this is the end of the world, but it is just the beginning of a new life for you!

Don't look back ever, just look forward and make the most of the new minute, hour and day! Time will heal everything!

Good luck!

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

I knew it was a breakup as soon as I heard the symptoms. All I have to say brother is that time will heal all wounds. Don't get down keep busy for a while and once you feel comfortable to go on a date ask another girl out. My first heatbreak tore me up thankfully I was working 70-80 hours a week at my job and a partial job on the side that took up 10 a week so I stayed busy. Later down the line I found out she became the town doorknob(everyone got a turn if you know what I mean)so I was glad I got out of the relationship before she would have more than likely ended up cheating on me. I still to this day am sure she did cheat on me and I would like to thank the guy that took that loon out of my life.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Time does heal scars and wounds. What you need to do is after a week or so have a get together with friends and just have fun. And when you think your ready to move on to better things, go for it. Whatever happened to you and your last g/f I don't know but you know now what to do or not to do.

Boys turn into men, through the lessons we learn.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Everytime I hear Garth Brook's song "Unanswered Prayers" I think about my first love. The summer between my 9th and 10th grade I fell in love. The was going into her senior year--an older girl---I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world. We became best friends. Talked about marriage--kids--spending the rest of our lives togther. We stayed together for 2 years. She went off to college and my senior year we broke up---I thought I wanted to die. She married a few years later--and i even went to her wedding--that was tough. I remember her looking at me as she was escorted down the isle by her father---I could read her mind as she could mine also. It took a while but I eventually got over it. Hang in there bud---God has someone planned for you--maybe it's Jen--maybe not. But now when I look at my wife and my 2 beautiful daughter I thank God for "Unanswered Prayers"

BTW--I know what will make you feel a little better----A good load of #4's upside the head of a big Gobbler!

Take Care]


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Re: I am hurting so bad....

That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

You are going through what everyone in here has gone through before. It happens and it could happen again. Be thankful for what you have in memories and move on. I know it is hard, but you will get over it. I know I did SEVERAL times bud. I am 42 now... and I am so much stronger from my life experiences.. If you need to talk, email me.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....


Well, I'm assuming you and Jen broke up.

Happened to me twice before I found my wife, and to be honest, the two break ups were the best thing for me because God led me to my wife.

Whatever we say here won't come close to taking away the pain, but my advice to you is have faith that God is leading you to something better.

Hang in there bud, we've all been there.

[/ QUOTE ]

You hit the nail on the Head there buddy.

I dated several girls before my wife and had my heart broken a few times. Its hard to go through but all of these years later I know god put me where i needed to be.

It will heal Kyle. Keep your chin up man. Some good advice, and sadly it came from a Chick Flick....

"This too shall pass."

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

I know how it feels. When me and my first girlfreind broke up I was crushed. Didn't date for several months and I really didn't want anthing to do with girls. That hurt bad. To make matters worse a couple weeks later she was dating my best freind...Chin up and with time things will get better!

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Yep, I still remember my first love, like it was yesterday. Her name was Ruth Barrence, my grade 8 sweetheart.

Her parents, just picked up and moved to Florida, and of course we were both way too young to do anything about it. All we could do was say goodbye.

It tore me up bad. frown.gif

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

dang, thats tough man. all i gotta say is hang in there! maybe both of you will realize that you need eachother, and things may workout and you'll start seeing eachother again. all things are meant to happen for a reason. and if you and Jen are meant to be together, then things will workout. like Jim said, dont do anything stupid! try and sit it out for a while, and things may turn around for ya! Hang in there buddy.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

While there is probably nothing to be said that can help you through what you are feeling, you are not alone, as many of us have been there and many more will be there. I like to think of Garth Brooks and his song The Dance. You surely would not have wanted to miss the dance, and the pain is just part of lifes adventure. Hang in there.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Look at what all the reply's have in common, Time heals wounds, and this isn't the last heartbreak you're going to have..

No advice makes it easier, give it time,it'll work out.. You have a LOT of great times and heart aches coming, just try and keep things in perspective..

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