I am hurting so bad....


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Guest Andrea

Re: I am hurting so bad....

NOTHING hurts as bad as getting dumped by the person you thought you were meant to be with for the rest of your life. (I went thru the same thing right outta highschool) The pain is so intense you think it can't get any worse. But you know what? God has someone picked out for you already. If it were truly meant to be with you guys... then it will happen. (Or would have) Just pray about it. Can't tell you the pain will go away any time soon. Don't wallow in sad songs and depressing thoughts though. Only makes it last longer. Keep yourself busy and let God lead you to the one that was made for you. She may be right around the corner...

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Hang in there, Kyle. You're young, you'll have plenty of heartbreaks and probably cause a few in your life.

Yeah, you thought Jen was the one, but you'll think the next one is the one also, and the one after.

But one of these days you're gonna be right. Don't rush it.

Love is not a straight and narrow path. It's a bumpy road with a few straight stretches and usually some great scenery. Take pictures...because when you get to where you're going there's no going back.

Enjoy your youth, Kyle. Mourn if you have to but then put it behind you and move on. You've got a whole life ahead of you.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....


Everytime I hear Garth Brook's song "Unanswered Prayers" I think about my first love.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here, that song was out and I got into country music right about the time the girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with decided our relationship was over. Think we have all been through being crushed like this, unfortunately some people do not handle it very well.

Now looking back, with my beautiful daughters and wife I realize there was a reason and what made no sense to me then now does. I could not be any more thankful for those "unanswered prayers".

Hang in there Kyle, and like Jim said dont do anything you will later regret.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Oh heck, just a girlfriend problem, I thought it was something serious like your best hunting dog died. Girls will come and go. I had 3 or 4 serious relationships before my present sweetie. Some they ended, some I ended. None were easy. You are in the prime of your life, enjoy your becomming a born again bachelor. Make the best of it.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

YB.....look at tominators sig. that pretty much sums it up.

Best two days in my life? The day i got engaged and the day I broke it off. Sometimes its just not ment too be. I have had my heart broken once or twice and I sent some hearts packing as well, its the nature of the game.

Your only 18 bud........your still in the fish bowl of hiigh school.....just wait till you see the ocean of college.......uhh Jen who????? cool.gif

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Awwwwwwwww man........Sorry about that. I think I can sort of imagine what you're going through. And the images I'm seeing aren't pretty. I've never had a breakup, but that's probably only because I never had anything to break. Keep your chin up Kyle, and don't do anything stupid. God loves you, and has one picked out for you. I'll pray for ya.

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

Yup, either you screwed up bad..or as the guys are saying ...it was Jen: I hope that it is the later guess of mine: I know exactly how you feel! If indeed (as it sounds) a girl..I remember my first "love" we dated through high school and went to diffent colleges. She would call nightly wanting to switch to the school I was at....I always said "No"...well one night I was talking to her and I said she should move there...she said "no" my heart was crushed and I knew she had moved on! I cried myself to sleep for weeks and weeks...It has been 9 years and I still think of her, yet I have met her husband and kid and I am truly happy for her...and me...life goes on and Like the others have said...ol' Garth put it to me many times..."Unanswered prayers"...YB: I know this thread started assuming you were having troubles with Jen...I hope that is what this is about and not something worse! Please let us know..you can see the outpouring of good wishes for you buddy! Let us know...P.M. me if you would like to visit...I can tell you story, upon story of how I have made mistakes :-) and they always work out for the better!

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Re: I am hurting so bad....

just go hunting smile.gif.....i'll admit meeting another girl in the woods might be a long shot, but it'll get your mind off things........

i'll tell ya a secret, i met this guy, but he wasnt mine to love and i wasnt his, so we parted before we did anything that would break the hearts of our other halves....we walked away, it was so hard, but you know, it was the best thing and we both knew it, affairs lead no where and it would of just made things worse...after a few months we talked again, it was hard at first because i didnt want the feelings again, guess what, there are still there, but i'm happy, i have a good man, i know it would be wrong and would ruin lives and i dont want that, so i let him walk away.........as i ran, lol........he hasnt called in months, lastnight he was watching the sunset on the other side of the state and thought of me, i was thinking of him right before he called, how freaky is that, we dont talk for months at a time, unless one of us harvest something, lol.....and it's been years since this all happened..actually he did the math, lol.......time sure has flown by, lol.....what i am trying to say, is you got the chance to love, to be able to love someone is the greatest gift, i am so happy i made the choice i made, i miss him so much, but we both know it was right to walk away before anything went to far, we both feel blessed to have such a dear friend in our lives today(still).......one day when the hurting heals, y'all will be able to be friends again and i'm sure you'll have another love by then....just be thankful God gave you the oppurtunity and start searching for the one God wants you to have...she'll be there when you least expect it....i wish you luck and i'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers....

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