Stupid Rain...


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Im sick of this wet stuff. Its been drying out finally, then last night we get severe storms.... Rain, hail, severe lightening, etc. We have rain tomorrow, rain, on Easter.

Im going to start driving the boat to work. Maybe I can at least catch a few fish on the way. The only good news is the Fescue is growing like mad. The bad new being I havent been able to mow my yard for a while so its well over ankle deep. Its suppose to hit 70's, again this comming week.... I hope it stays that way and drys out for a while.

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Re: Stupid Rain...

sorry to hear about the crappy weather! we have been lucky here, the weather has been beautiful for the past few weeks. we havent got any march snowstorms yet, and there hasnt been any rain. basically all the snow is gone, and the temperatures are great! highs are up around 50F for the start of the week, which is VERY warm for here in March grin.gif luckily we only have to cut the grass from May to October!

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Re: Stupid Rain...

I'd MUCH rather have rain than snow.

My car can go in the rain as long as there isn't water standing 6-8 inches high in the road. My intake would suck that stuff right up if given half a chance.. SLURP! I swear having a lowered car is good for some reasons...... wink.gif


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Re: Stupid Rain...

Been some crazy weather patterns here for sure over the past year or so. Last summer was the dryest summer ever since I have been here and then the fall was one of the wettest, winter was not all that cold and the insects here now are really thick. Hard to believe it is not the end of April.

Need to mow our wild onions and patchy grass too, but it is supposed to rain and storm here all weekend too.

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Re: Stupid Rain...


its been raining here for awhile to

lets hope the sun comes out

[/ QUOTE ]

I live about 10 miles from buckfever, and yeah, it's pretty wet out. I planned on getting my vegetable plots going while I'm on break, but that's not going to happen. Way too wet, and more rain is coming. frown.gif

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