For All My Mossberg 835 Owner's

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Alright I have decided to get a Grand Slam 835 Mossberg in synthetic camo. However my questions is this particular package/gun comes with a sling, turkey choke (will pattern to see how good it is smile.gif ) however it has a 20 inch barrel. (Is that pretty standard for a turkey gun???) What inch of barrel do you all have on your 835? It seems like a great deal but it seems kind of short for a barrel. ?????? Any advice. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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Re: For All My Mossberg 835 Owner\'s

The 835 I just got has a 26" barrel. 26" is my favorite for upland birds, which the gun is for.

I plan on giving the 935 a look for a turkey gun. They have a "standard" version with a 24" barrel and then the Grand Slam Series with a 22" barrel. I think I'd opt for the 24". With a turkey choke, it will still shoot awesome patterns but still be real easy to move around in tight spaces.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: For All My Mossberg 835 Owner\'s

I would go with 24 if at all possible..might lose a little pattern density and veliocity. I saw the same gun yesterday, i bet its got quite a kick too it! Might wanna take that into consideration also.

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Re: For All My Mossberg 835 Owner\'s

If it will pattern good, then its fine. The longer barrels are better if you are using them on flying targets. The extra weight helps in the follow through and swing. My shortest barrels on my guns is 26".My slug barrels are shorter though.I agree with the others though, if you can get it in a little longer barrel, I would go with it.


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Re: For All My Mossberg 835 Owner\'s

Then again, you could get the 835 turkey/waterfowl combo! Then you would have the best of both worlds! My 835 Ulti-Mag is 24". Next year I believe I will be getting the 935 in 24" barrel as well. Like I said before I wished I would have waited one year! LOL!!!

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Re: For All My Mossberg 835 Owner\'s


Next I would like to get the 935 magnum because of the features.. the cool camo patterns they have to choose from in the 2005 catalog models are really awsome..

I would like to have the 935 autoload & my turkey 835 shotgun..

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I'd like to get a 935 in Hardwoods Green HD for turkeys. cool.gif

If you are still wanting an 835, I still like the one in Max-4 HD I recommended to you. wink.gif

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Re: For All My Mossberg 835 Owner\'s


Try putting on a Simm's Limbsaver Pad, you will love the less recoil smile.gif


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I felt little to no difference with turkey loads when I put on a Sims pad. A big difference in 2 3/4" loads. But little, if any, with magnum loads.

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